Reflection on Psalm 146 in Gods Holy Word! When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. The more good deeds you had in life, will help compensate for the reparation due for your sins. Tu tuviste que poner una chimenea, y almacenaste alguna madera y queroseno para el combustible con algunos calentadores. If you have not chosen to come back to God because you dont believe you have sinned against Him, think again! coinspot deposit not showing. When evil gets worse, you will be forced to stay at your refuge. Only My believers will be saved at My refuges. 16TheLordcalled you a thriving olive treewith fruit beautiful in form.But with the roar of a mighty stormhe will set it on fire,and its branches will be broken. August 4, 2020. Tu puedes confiar en Mis ngeles para que protejan tu refugio y provee por tus necesidades. You have been opening in phases, so now you have freedom to worship Me again in person. Patrick Wojahn, 47, is in custody after having his home searched on February 28. My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive. John Leary --> Latest News Site Updates Videos / Books Fr. It is important to always have your soul clean by frequent Confession, so you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. Blog Post (7/17/19): Prophet John Leary - Messages from Jesus Christ - "Now I am calling, 'Woe to America', for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented" - July 16, 2019 Update Blog Post (6/30/19): Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ - Important Update - June 28, 2019 This is a list of familicides that occurred in the United States.Being part of the list of rampage killers, the latter's terms of inclusion are also applied here.. A rampage killer has been defined as follows: A rampage involves the (attempted) killing of multiple persons least partly in public space by a single physically present perpetrator using (potentially) deadly weapons in a single . around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. Otherwise, buy some five gallon jugs of water to multiply. You could see places that may require local emergencies where the National Guard may enforce a partial martial law. Cada vez que ores en fe, tu comida no se terminara tampoco. (Immaculate Heart of Mary), Jesus said: My people, you are continuing to see more virus cases in addition to more protest marches that are upsetting peoples peace. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. Confen en Mi proteccin cuando sus vidas estn en peligro. So, first a warning from God through His Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 10, and now we see in Chapter 11, that God has had enough, and there is no more warning, because the sins and errors have spread to His own Children, who He tried to warn through Jeremiah. Valentine) Jesus said: "My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me. June, 2020 Messages : John Leary Cuando la violencia de los disparos empeore, Mis fieles tendrn que venir a Mis refugios mas temprano para evitar que sean disparados. En la primera lectura, el Rey de Israel ora por Mi proteccin de los Asirios que estaban listos para atacar a Jerusaln. T has visto la primera ola del corona virus siguiendo las protestas y saqueos por Vidas Negras Importan y el movimiento Antifa. I told you before that the graces of your Masses go out to all your neighborhoods so you could have My peace. Este ataque por medio del virus le ha dado a todos otra practica de como quedarse en sus hogares. (LogOut/ Pray for the sick and those with chronic problems. Tambin, eviten masturbacin o pecados de homosexualidad. John Leary - Learn website news and deets with Feedreader Tuesday, June 14, 2022: Jesus said: "My people of America, the Statue of Liberty is your sign of freedom as immigrants can see it in New York City. Este virus ser regado por toda Amrica y ser lo peor. around every Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, the Popes, all Religious in the World. If you live in the Northern states you may need wood, kerosene, or propane with the appropriate burners. 7From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again,saying, Obey me.8But they did not listen or pay attention;instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. Prophet John Leary - Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis Prophet John Leary - Messages - The Antichrist The Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy Introduction To The Messages - Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy - With Audio The Book Of Truth On Audio - MP3 Messages By Year And Month - Book of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady Praise God in the Highest! Yo puedo ver los anarquistas continuando de provocar a los policas que salieran de sus estaciones y destruyendo monumentos. I have told you that the devils time is running out. Then in verses 21 through 22, Jeremiah is warning the people that Gods wrath is coming and that the Shepherds are senseless because they do not inquire upon our Lord, and they have scattered the flock. Derribando estatuas histricas es otra forma de como los izquierdistas estn tratando de destruir su historia y cultura para remplazarlo con ideales socialistas comunistas. I told you that if you did not stop your abortions, then I would do it for you. Las personas necesitan convertirse a ser creyentes, para que sean dignos de entrar en Mis refugios., Junio 9, 2020 (2) (Proyectos de Refugios necesarios para sobrevivir) Otro proyecto era comprar ms comida al vaci, MRE, comida enlatada. It is claimed that Larvin, who once dated boxer Joe Calzaghe, and her partner Jonathan Johnson (55) carried 2.8m in September 2020, using holiday items to disguise the cash. The Propaganda Keeps Going. Prophet John Leary Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Jesus said: "My people, I see all people as equals before Me, in that no one is better than the other. Jesus said: My people, you just read about St. Paul as he was leaving on a ship for Jerusalem. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando frente le DVD de Adoracin. Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. Jess dice: Mi gente, en la primera lectura Elas (1 Reyes 17:7-16) encontr con la viuda y su hijo, y ella le hizo una torta para Elas. We see this same evil flowing into our cities today with Baal arches being erected in different cities in the United States and also in Washington, D.C. Dale gracias a Dios y adoracin a Mi por guiarte con todas tus preparaciones. Los apstoles tambin eran la Luz del mundo cuando proclamaron las Buena Nueva del Evangelio. - Feb 25, 2023, IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria - Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity - OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN, Message of Saint Joseph to the People of God - Daily Protection Prayer To Prevent Covid-19 Vaccinations - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Top Ten List Of Incorruptible Saints With Photos. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you to protect you from harm. Esto representa la confianza diaria en Dios para proveer por sus necesidades. Mas que nada tu tienes un altar y un tabernculo donde tu puedes adorarme a Mi en la sagrada hostia. Disfruten este breve descanso por ahora porque luego vendr otro virus mas fuerte en el otoo. Posts about Prophet John Leary written by a soul. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa 21Therefore this is what theLordsays about the people of Anathothwho are threatening to kill you,saying, Do not prophesyin the name of theLordor you will dieby our hands22therefore this is what theLordAlmighty says: I will punish them. Holy Mass Celebrated at St. Marys Parish in Ottawa, Canada and Preparing for LENT! These virus attacks are your punishment for your abortions. australian female singers; 300 blackout subsonic suppressed decibels; best mastercraft boat; joshua goldberg 1967; When this next virus comes in the fall, you will first face your Warning experience, and then My faithful will be called to My refuges, so they will not die of the virus. in . You all will be facing this door to your own death at some age. Mis ngeles pondrn una capa de proteccin sobre las personas en Mis refugios para que no sean afectados. Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. Yo puedo ver las continuas protestas en las calles y continuos motines y saqueos en las tiendas. around every world leader or head of government in the world. Also, he warned them even Thursday, May 28, 2020: My angels will put a shield over those people in My refuges so they will not be infected. This fall you will see a worse virus that will cause another shutdown, but I will call My faithful to My refuges so you will not be infected. Es un problema cuando las falsas noticias no reportan los verdaderos nmeros de muertes relacionados con el coronavirus. This virus will be spread the worst in America. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary May 27, 2017 Prophet John Leary Monday, May 8, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, I have told you that you could see one of your small wars expand into a world war. New Messages to Prophet John Leary! New Messages on After the Warning Prophet John Leary; Messages July 13 thru July July 19, 2022 Tu puedes darte cuenta de que esto fue creado en un laboratorio porque la poca del virus de gripe no continua hasta el verano cuando esta caliente. I wish that you could have opened your churches sooner, but soon you will be with Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Los malvados estn tratando de derrumbar el sistema de polica para el tomo completo. "I find myself now going might avoid a recession entirely in workers' take-home pay. Latest Catholic Radio Maria Podcast from Father Dan Reehil on the antichrist. You still may have a few virus cases, but your priests have finally opened their doors. Explanation of the Warning/Illumination of Conscience, and How We Can Assist Our Catholic Church and Priests During the Warning. Here is another from June 14, 2022.
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