Technical terminology is explained in a precise and clear manner. - A good set of basic references at the end of each chapter. For instance, right off the bat, the critique of socialism seems to take the position that socialism is inherently and entirely distinct from our system, which isnt accurate. Feb. 23, 2017. read more. I had the choice of paying for my own copy or finding a small grant from my college to cover the cost. The text is written in lucid prose with technical terminology highlighted, defined in the text, and listed again in a glossary. Reviewed by Andrew Thangasamy, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/28/20, In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. 2. Also, the authors do not explain the Electoral College sufficiently as it relates to the 2 parties. I am not sure about the process of updates though and I suspect that within one or two years the book will need a refresh. If practical, it would be helpful if there were a hyperlink to OYEZ or Cornell LII for each case. This provides the Media with an opportunity to fill this vacuum. Important terms are underlined throughout the text making it easier for students to see the terms they should know for testing. Further, the writing is clear and concise. From the founding and Constitution to the major institutions of Congress, Courts, and the Presidency, these major areas are all covered. , but for next semester, the text needs to provide 2016 turnout and election data. It is a good alternative to expensive textbooks. The book covers all of the basic components of American government. Grammar was excellent. More charts and illustrations interspersed would help maintain student engagement as they read the chapters. The language is accessible for students in higher education; and likely high school juniors and seniors. Go Go. Toward Collective Action: Mediating Institutions, Delivering Collective Action: Formal Institutions. Each chapter is clearly divided into main sections with learning objectives, and there the text is further divided under clearly delineated sub-section heads. I found it very appropriate for undergraduates. My own opinion is that the biggest shortcoming is a lack of current events coverage. Whenever the next update does occur, I would strongly suggest change the order of the paragraphs so Part 4 comes after Part 1. Google Apps. The AP U.S. Government and Politics framework is organized into five commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Reviewed by Leslie Caughell, Assistant Professor, Virginia Wesleyan College on 2/8/17, This book is very comprehensive. I like the text's thematic emphasis on student participation. The book is consistent with similar complementary materials. The writers were able to demonstrate intersections across time, incorporating themes that could easily be segregated in a single chapter. In fact, Kurtz et al. My issue is that the map doesn't show differences among those democracies (e.g., parliamentary, presidential, etc.). by. The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. For example, the section on ideology equates authoritarianism with the right side of the political spectrum, even though authoritarianism as a ruling style can also be commonly found in communist or socialist polities; students might be led to conclude that communists and socialists aren't about control. I really like that a section on state and local government is included. More than other textbooks I have used or read the framework of this textbook is more attuned to my style of teaching and presentation of material. In short, more up to date statistics and graphics should be there. These hyperlinks will distract the reader. I did not identify any issues with the accuracy of the textbook content. Identify politics should be present in more sections of the text. The framework of the chapters is internal consistent. Good, though for my purposes (I teach a graduate level policy processes course), some could be broken down differently for my use. I am especially excited about he design combining theory and practice and critical thinking. presentation. Spelling, punctuation and sentence structure were also all very good. THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES in 10 minutes The 1619 Project Exposed: A Special Edition of the American Mind . The text is academic, yet accessible. read more. One designed to be looked at online, another one that is essentially a replica of the printed version. This is a very impressive work, and I will most certainly adopt this book. The founding chapter and the Constitution are great chapters and will always be relevant. The index is clear and useful and the chapter glossaries are excellent. The text did not include culturally offensive material and seemed inclusive in its examples and discussion. The index is concise and effective, and the book has key terms aggregated toward the end of each chapter. The text can easily be divided into modules. There are areas where graphics examples could be updated; a few of the federalism chapter charts are using 2014 data. In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. read more. Individual Agency and Action 3. Sentence structure and grammar are excellent. As for as substantively, I find the grouping of Chapters 4-7 to be curious. The glossary, summaries, and review questions including critical thinking are all conducive to learning and it will help students prepare for exams. I use review questions in each chapter for mandatory homework. The interface is very easy to use, with no navigation problems or distracting features. Relevant archival documents and photos add to the appeal. I am also happy it comes in a printed version. Reviewed by Brian Jones, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17, The comprehensiveness of Krutz's American Government text is such that it more than adequately addresses the curricular requirements of the American government and politics courses offered by the Virginia Community College System. For example, the chapter on political parties resembles a history text. The updates to the text with respect to the 2016 election are topical and serve to make the content more easily understand without the risk of seeming outdated in a short period of time. The charts, graphs and figures are well done and supplement the content. American Government, as a textbook, maintains consistency in its use of terminology throughout every chapter. . United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition Hardcover full-color textbook divided into chapters and lessons, with table of contents, atlas, glossary, and index, 952 pages]. It covers most, if not all, of the material that I typically cover in my American Government course and does so in an engaging way. The way the book is organized makes a lot of sense. The reader benefits from content that is organized in a fashion that is both comprehensible and predictable. This has become such an important issue. The Colonial Experience. It covers all of the major topics an introductory text should cover and a few others as well. No Rating Yet Discover. There seems to be a great emphasis on students and the system, as indicated in Part 1, and civic engagement more generally. For example, I may not get the chance to dedicate a whole class to elections but I can use sections of the chapter on elections in relation to civil rights, to Congress and to the Executive. Uses contemporary examples, but not in depth cases that may be needed in higher level courses. United States Government: Democracy in Action. I really like that a section on state and local government is included. They are usually a couple of paragraphs long and illustrate key concepts with practical examples followed by links to websites that have additional relevant information. United States Government: A Textbook. As always, you have the flexibility to organize the course content as you like. The text is easily divisible into smaller sections that can be reordered within the course. The content of the work is accurate and unbiased. This text, American Government 2e by Krutz and Waskiewicz, covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately beginning with the origins of each political construct, through its evolution in America, and trends into the future. Reviewed by Jack Philips, Lecturer, University of Texas at Arlington on 11/12/20, This book contains everything I need for intro American government classes. read more. I believe students prefer more than black and white words. The material in the book is relevant and up to date with current politics and elected officials. With a publication date of 2019, this text contains updates references both the presidential elections of 2016 and the midterm elections of 2018. The text is written in a way that provides context in a comprehensive and organized way. This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. There is also a Link to Learning in each module that guides readers to content related updates that are available online. I found the text to be eminently user friendly with no issues what so ever navigating within the chapters. Reviewed by Gale Czerski, Adult Basic Education Instructor, Portland Community College on 6/20/17, This textbook provides a comprehensive framework for introductory American government. The textbook is written well. It dedicates entire chapters to state and local It is licensed as such: Portions may be subject to prior copyright or may be in the Public Domain. In the book, the word Figure will appear to let the reader know to look for an image. The previous comment represents a slight stylistic concern in the area of organization, but not a major one. This could certainly be prepared for the 2020 election. I didnt find any interface issues in this textbook. In doing so, the approach seeks to provide instructors with ample opportunities to open discussions, extend and update concepts, and drive deeper engagement. The only section that I would point to specifically that I think could be improved significantly comes in Chapter 2, Section 5 and the discussion of Constitutional Change. You can use that resource if you would . And the Fall of the Patronage system in Section 1 of Chapter 15 also stood out to me as excellent. The respective discussions involving each of the aforementioned groups is objective, open minded, and balanced. The content delivers plenty of perspective for students to learn about American government. United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Digital, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Digital, 6-year subscription (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print and Digital, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Complete Classroom Set, Print and Digital, 6-year subscription (set of 30), United States Government: Our Democracy, Chapter Tests and Lesson Quizzes, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Edition, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Lesson Center, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Suite, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Suite, 6-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Suite, 1-year subscription, United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Suite, 6-year subscription. However, the text provides a strong historical perspective on the issues that it addresses, so much of the texts discussion will continue to be relevant and applicable even with the passage of time. United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center Online interactive website, accessible with login and password. I found it especially comprehensive in its coverage of civil rights, voter registration and turnout, and the concluding policy chapters. Reviewed by Hyokyung Kwak, Assistance Professor, College of Charleston on 9/19/21, This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. As an instructor of pre-college ABE students working towards a GED, I am always looking for relevant, engaging materials to hook my students. American Government by Krutz and Waskiewicz is an exceptionally good textbook. read more. I also would like to see a separate chapter on social movements. Some paragraphs are quite long in word count as are some sections that continue for pages without a break such as a graphic, figure, table or photograph which may inhibit overall comprehension of the material within. This is the first time that I have thoroughly reviewed an open source textbook for potential use in a course, and I was impressed by the overall quality of the book. Unlike many other textbooks, it has a separate chapter on State and Local government which I think would be useful as I found it is helpful for students to understand the lower level governments in relation to the federal government when discussing American politics. Clear organization led to clarity of content. The textbook interface is free from any major interface issues or navigation problems. Reviewed by Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University on 2/1/18, The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. Within each chapter, sections are consistently arranged to first build comprehension and then work toward deeper analysis of topic, which is an effective pedagogical framework. It was supplemented by a survey conducted March 7-14 among 1,466 adults on landlines and cellphones. Customize the learning experience for differentiated instruction using leveled reading, customizable assessments and worksheets, and flexible online learning tools. It is as accurate as any standard, mainstream textbook on American government. Geared as a unit in t Most textbooks for undergraduates in this topic area United States makes some of the nation's most important decisions. read more. I like the fact that the authors attempt to present both sides in discussing problems and issues which contributes to an unbias pr As a teacher of history also, I especially look for historical accuracy. The book is consistent in terms and focus. Others may view this as a downside, because students will have less guidance in identifying the major themes or "thesis" of the course. Right from the get go I enjoyed the section on Civic Engagement as many textbooks do not cover civic engagement to the level it was covered in this text. The book is well laid out and uses terminology consistent throughout the chapters. I like how you included the FCC. The book is consistent, though I think its framework of effective engagement could have been implemented more consistently. I wish there were more pictures though to break up the text and to enhance the reading. I have not tested it on a smartphone; however, on a computer the book is easy to navigate - to move between chapters, sections, pages, etc is easy. Political behavior for presidential and mid-term congressional elections should be analyzed independently. Also, when you click, for example, chapter 2, you cannot go directly to chapter 2, but you have to click the Intro first. The book seemed to use inclusive examples--for example, the racial breakdown of the federal judiciary. I found the language clear. Great examples, engaging stories, and clever interactive readings; the textbook would be relevant to most community college students today. This is not a pervasive problem, however but an occasional one. There are also some advantages to this textbook, including clarity of the writing and various appendixes that include the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Federalist 10 and 51 right in the book. Origins of American Government Articles of Confederation Power Point Note Packet. Those considering a new adaption for the introduction to American Government class would do well to give Kurtz et. Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, charts, and maps. I found the textbook culturally sensitive and in no way offensive. I am sure many people would leave these out, but they are there if you want them. The writing is clear and concise. Geraldo Rivera?) Other similar books dive too deeply for my purposes into the minutiae of government without providing concepts or making those concepts too academic sounding. Though I had trouble accessing the PDF and online versions, it appears to have been an issue with the browser I was using at the time. There are numerous features that are used to help students engage with content (summaries, supplemental reading, graphics and break outs). Modularity is excellent. They examine these conflicts in our democracy by reading primary sources, summarizing based on textual evidence, and beginning analysis of multiple perspectives for text. In order to help students understand the ways that government, society, and individuals interconnect, the revision includes more examples and details regarding the lived experiences of diverse groups and communities within the United States. read more. However, this text would need to be updated after all national elections (mid-term and presidential). In some cases, students are somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the text, but I have found that guiding their attention to certain key sections can help to avoid this obstacle. read more. The uniqueness of the American system is rarely mentioned (e.g., the fact that it has a presidential, federal system, with true separation of powers). Teachers Edition:The print Teacher Wraparound Edition is built on the principles of Understanding by Design. Enrollment . The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. The textbook is error-free and unbiased. V. Democracy (pp. There are numerous ways to define or describe political power, and they should be conveyed in the textbook. As an instructor, I would readily welcome the adoption of this text and would recommend the assignment of the text as required reading for courses that I regularly teach, including PLS 135: American National Politics, PLS 211: U.S. Government I, and PLS 212: U.S. Government II. The text's ease of access and open source publishing make it a clear and obvious alternative to expensive textbooks. read more. There is a very broad selection of examples relating to variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds--the Civil Rights chapter is a good example. That is the conclusion of a new survey of 1,571 political scientists. The text then moves through its substantive topics in a coherent manner with useful transitions between topics. This is a major issue with political science texts as the students are very focused on the present time, so the texts need to be very current. Certainly this could just be a matter of preference, and obviously an instructor can teach topics and assign chapters in whatever order they desire, but I am puzzled by this decision. They provide both classic and current concepts throughout the textbook. Reviewed by Randall Newnham, Professor of Political Science, Penn State University, Berks Campus on 2/1/18, Coverage same as most standard Am Gov textbooks, with chapters organized same as most (expensive) standard texts and each chapter about as long as standard texts. As a policy professor with professional experience in the field, I would be likely to use cases to follow up about how policy content accounts for those decisions in a process that includes policy actors (private and public)). Overall, the organization and flow of the textbook is logical and it follows a traditional American Government textbook. margin-bottom: 1rem !important; However, the chapter lengths seem fairly typical for this type of text. Overall, I like the text very much. Straightforward comparisons with oligarchy and monarchy. From an aesthetic perspective, the textbook has a fair amount of graphic material that is appealing to students. Democratic backsliding in the United States is no longer a matter of speculative concern. Additionally, there are sections within each chapter that can be assigned in other courses. The concise introductions at the beginning of each chapter effectively frame the chapter topic. This text is VERY detailed in its coverage, which is impressive and surprising given its relative brevity.
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