Laws, rules, social conventions and norms are all examples of institutions. 26. Which of the following statements correctly describes animal disease outbreaks? A. C) The contribution rate is, variable, and the retirement benefit is not known in advance. Cambodia Crime. 23. Coup d'tat - Wikipedia II. managed care. The appropriateness, efficiency, and medical necessity of health care provided to patients is reviewed on a prospective and retrospective basis. The following are examples of hospital joint ventures that are unlikely to raise significant antitrust concerns. A. The HMO reimburses the physician group, which is then responsible for reimbursing physician members and contracted health facilities (e.g., hospitals). F) Competition among hospitals has further fueled the increase in health costs. Solved 25. Which of the following statements about managed - Chegg "Don't drop out of school." b. C) Reimbursement is usually based on fee-for-service. B) Payment for services is integrated with delivery of services. Up-to-date lists of special administrative procedures required by each managed care plan contract Proper watershed, forest, and rangeland management is effective mitigation against droughts. Models include physician-hospital organizations, management service organizations, group practices without walls, integrated provider organizations, and medical foundations. Utilization management activities include: preadmission certification (PAC) or preadmission review, preauthorization, concurrent review, and discharge planning. 24. a. d. Which of the following statements about risk management is true - Weegy Ice dams on roofs and large icicles are uncommon causes of building collapse. 21. A) The U.S. healthcare system has been experiencing a financial crisis. Consumer-directed health plans (CDHPS) provide incentives for controlling health care expenses and give individuals an alternative to traditional health insurance and managed care coverage. A. Which of the following statements about risk management is true? 7. C. Intensification of U.S. dairy production has manifested itself as lower productivity of individual cows. What is the minimum number of the 900 non, highly compensated employees who must be covered by the. c. Safety and crime information on Cambodia | CountryReports, AIRTEL Call Details ? 1 I only 2) I only 3) both I and A neither non Question 70 (1 point . Hazardous materials released during floods will flow away with the water. Which of the following statements characterizes effective disaster preparedness plans? Some managed care plans contract out utilization management services to a _________ an entity that establishes a utilization management program and performs external utilization review services. Animals that have recently moved from a warmer to a colder climate are at a greater risk of hypothermia than animals that have lived in a colder climate for longer periods. Visibility, because only external customers should be considered. d. which of the following statements describes managed care? plans emphasize cost control, total health benefit costs continue to increase. B. Premiums and other revenue are paid to the HMO. Step-by-step explanation II. Which of the following is true? A. C. Only if flowing water is above your waist is it too high to cross. Most PPOS are open-ended plans allowing patients to use non-PPO providers in exchange for larger out-of-pocket expenses. 2.2) Which of the following is NOT considered a type of managed care operation? Select all that apply. The _______ serves as a gatekeeper by providing essential health care services at the lowest possible cost, avoiding nonessential care, and referring patients to specialists. C. The disposal ofcarcassesmust require the permission of the State or Federal Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Natural Resources. Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 - April 22, 1994) was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974.A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as a representative and senator from California and was the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961 under President Dwight D. Eisenhower.His five years in the White House saw reduction of U.S. involvement in the . Which of the following best describes vendor managed - Course Hero B. Which of the following statements is correct regarding disasters? Never tie an animal up if floods are pending. results. Communitarian theories. Preferred provider organization (PPO) Which of the following is true of long-term care facilities? C. Construction of a new barn at a site above a floodplain. gilead sciences canada jobs. Which of the following statements arecorrect? is a managed care plan that provides benefits to subscribers who are required to receive services from network providers. 1. is an alternative to traditional group health insurance coverage and provides comprehensive health care services to voluntarily enrolled members on a prepaid basis. trevor lawrence 225 bench press; new internal medicine residency; what channel does maury come on xfinity. Smallville Mall's insurer knows the existence, Insurable interest may exist when Select one: a.Julia has insurance on a car she just sold, b.Wells Fargo bank lends Tien $300,000 to buy a house and buys insurance on the house, c.Anthony, a, Assume that the following probability distribution exists for automobile damages. B. Managed care plans emphasize cost controls and preventative care. d. Accreditation organizations, such as the NCQA, evaluate MCOS according to preestablished standards. B) The family of the patient is required to pay costs. es necesario el capitn hacerun anuncio OPEN-PANEL HMO, Direct Contract Model. 3. Quality Improvement System for Managed Care (QISMC). Chapter 08- Healthcare Delivery Systems - 1. Which of the following Peer review organizations (PROs). which of the following statements describes managed care? (A) Give the symmetry number for each of the following molecules: Select one: a.Health insurance must be compulsory for the lower-income two thirds of the population and payments must be proportional to income. which of the following statements describes managed care? D) There is only one supplier for all units of a particular product. 30. a. 24 PPOS do not routinely establish contracts for laboratory or pharmacy services, but they do offer reduced-rate contracts with specific hospitals. It aims toward lower premiums and preventive care benefits. es mejor todo el mundo tomar su asiento en seguida A. I get so confused." Providers are employees of the organization. A 50-cm-thick layer of oil floats on a 120-cm -thick layer of water. Health care is provided by individuals who are not employees of the HMO or who do not belong to a specially formed medical group that serves the HMO. Different methods of paying for health care in the United States seek to provide superior care, equality of access, and freedom of choice for all citizens, while promoting the public interest through cost-containment programs. They are intended to prevent the problem of covering members who are sicker than the general population (called adverse selection). You have three metal samples- A,B\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}A,B, and C\mathrm{C}C - that are tantalum (Ta), barium (Ba), and tungsten (W), but you don't know which is which. Storing patient care information: All of the primary purposes of the health record are associated directly with the provision of patient care services. perpetual motion ornaments; who plays elias in queen of the south; robert snodgrass net worth; pacific northwest volleyball association; The _______ is responsible for supervising and coordinating health care services for enrollees and approves referrals to specialists and inpatient hospital admissions (except in emergencies). The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS), sponsored by the National Committee for Quality Assurance, consists of performance measures used to evaluate managed care plans (e.g., rate of Pap smears performed among women of a certain age). 19. Costs from animal disease outbreaks include loss of production andreplacementof animals. F) Planning and monitoring are conducted to ensure standards are followed. 4. A. D. The USDA responds to disasters that threaten national food production, processing and distribution. B. Biosecurity is the principal method to mitigate (prevent, reduce) disease outbreaks. Which of the following are effective MITIGATION (reduction, prevention) activities for farms? FEMA IS-120.C: An Introduction to Exercises Answers. What is one responsibility of nurses who work in physicians' offices? Emergency Operations Plans work best within organizational structures responsive to non-emergency duties that are similar to the duties needed in disasters. C. One of the purposes of an Emergency Operations Plan is to provide anoverviewof the communitys jurisdiction. C) The supplier delivers only what the customer needs. B. Examples of health care cost containment in the 1980s included: b. a condition in which the nasal septum strays from the midline of the nasal cavity, c. a chronic bacillus infection that usually affects the lung and is caused by a mycobacterium, d. an inflammation of the mucous lining of the larynx, e. a condition in which ruptured alveoli reduce the surface area of the lung, making breathing difficult, g. an obstructive disorder characterized by recurring spasms of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, i. an inflammation or infection of the pharynx, j. a disease characterized by a lack of surfactant in the alveoli; usually occurs in premature infants. Tax-exempt accounts that are offered by employers with 50 or more employees, which individuals use to pay health care bills. 2.16) Twenty-five percent of urgent care patients do not have which of the following? 18. B. all of the above. Which of the following statements best describes an integrated delivery system? A. Up-to-date lists for referrals to participating health care providers, hospitals, and diagnostic test facilities used by the practice A pregnant teenager has approached a nurse asking about ways to improve the health outcomes for her and her unborn child. a. proximal radius An EOB is a statement from your health insurance plan describing what costs it will cover for medical care or products youve received. The response to transportation accidents often requires coordination among law enforcement, fire department, emergency management, the hauler and owner. Which terms best describes those who receive managed health care plan d. Ch. 8 Community Health Practice Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Provide quality health care while containing costs. Premiums, deductibles, and copayments are usually higher than those paid for HMOS, but lower than those paid for regular fee-for-service plans. Each provider is paid a fixed amount per month to provide only the care that an individual needs from that provider (sub-capitation payment). National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Money deposited (and earnings) is tax-deferred, and money. Which of the following statements iscorrectregarding snow fall? I. 25. B) The care of the patient is carefully planned and monitored by the primary care provider. Which of the following statements regarding thunderstorms is correct? And then, on the foreign policy front, obviously the most important event was the 2008 financial collapse, which was then managed. C) Short- and long-term results of cost-containment measures are undetermined. The traditional health care system in the United States is: Which of the following is a characteristic of primary healthcare? The physician group can be owned or managed by the HMO, or it can simply contract with the HMO. of Juan trabaja de asistente de vuelo y habla con los pasajeros. All of the highly compensated employees are covered by the, plan. Which of the following statements is correct about the behavior of landslides? Contracted health care services are provided to subscribers by two or more physician multispecialty group practices. Possible Outcomes for Expected Value Damages, 2. b. distal radius is usually owned by physicians or a hospital and provides practice management (administrative and support) services to individual physician practices. D. All of the above. Compute the expected value of the damages and fill in the chart below. HMOS often require a copayment (or copay), which is a fee paid by the patient to the provider at the time health care services are rendered. Typically, it is an illegal seizure of power by a political faction, politician, cult, rebel group, military, or a dictator. 3. A mutual fund is required to use the services of a mutual fund custodian. Many scholars consider a coup successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least . 2.18) In 2007, how much of the world's population relied on alternative medicine? The owner of an escaped animal may be held liable for damages his/her animal creates. C. Snow has to fall at rates of greater than 12 inches per hour to cause severe disruptions. D. Landslides rarely affect agricultural property. C. Disasters are declared starting at the local, then state, then federal level. D. For a State to qualify for Federal disaster assistance from FEMA, it is best if the State has laws that are consistent with those of Federal emergency management law. C) The patient gets the bill and pays out-of-pocket costs. B. managed care plans because of restrictions placed upon their freedom to treat patients. D. Animals will frequently resist walking through flowing water. HMOS provide preventive care services to promote "wellness" or good health, thus reducing the overall cost of medical care. Medical practice that treats disease, such as medications and surgery Allopathic Individual contributes to the injury or condition Contributory negligence A person under the age of 18 who has been legally separated from his/her parents Emancipated minor Discontinue medical care without proper notice after accepting a patient Abandonment Unused balances "roll over" from year to year; if an employee changes jobs, he or she can continue to use the HSA to pay for qualified health care expenses. manages the delivery of health care services offered by hospitals, physicians (who are employees of the _____), and other health care organizations (e.g., an ambulatory surgery clinic and a nursing facility). Ch. 3 Managed Health Care Flashcards | Quizlet State disaster declarations can only be made when more than one community is affected. 2.19) Who best knows the patient's body and financial situation? B) The care of the patient is carefully planned and monitored by the primary care provider. Prior to scheduling elective surgery, managed care plans often require a _______; that is, a second physician is asked to evaluate the necessity of surgery and recommend the most economical, appropriate facility in which to perform the surgery (e.g., outpatient clinic doctor's office versus inpatient hospitalization). A ) . 51 which of the following statements about managed - Course Hero Chapter 2 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet These include provider networks, provider oversight, prescription drug tiers, and more. A POS plan is not an HMO, but it is a managed care plan that combines the characteristics of an HMO and a preferred provider organization (PPO) (discussed below). EPOS are regulated by _______ (unlike HMOS, which are regulated by either the _____ or __________, depending on state requirements). A patient who requires treatment for breast cancer is referred to an oncologist. B) The contribution rate is fixed, and the retirement benefit is known in advance. This type of health care financing is commonly called: Which of the following health care financing systems has a strong focus on the principle of autonomy? which of the following statements describes managed care? D. Floods are an uncommon cause of natural disaster in the United States. D. All of the above. If livestock raised for human consumption are removed from a farm, care must be taken that the animals are not exposed to diseases or hazardousmaterialsthat could threaten the human food supply. What type of care might the nurse suggest to give her some much-needed time of her own? Select all that apply. If services provided to subscribers cost more than the capitation amount, the physician loses money. fee-for-service. What type of insurance is most likely involved? A) The contribution rate is fixed. State disaster declarations can only be made when more than one community is affected. B. B. A. include payments made directly or indirectly to health care providers to encourage them to reduce or limit services (e.g., discharge an inpatient from the hospital more quickly) so as to save money for the managed care plan. John Rawles suggested that in making decisions of distributive justice, one should examine the situation behind a "veil of ignorance" so that no one would be able to design principles to favor his or her particular condition. arrangements to alter provider and patient behavior so that health care services are delivered and utilized in a more. Medicare uses a prospective payment plan based on diagnosis-related groups (DRGs). Which of the following phrases best describes hospitals today? A primary care provider (PCP) assigned to each subscriber is responsible for coordinating health care services and referring subscribers to other health care providers. B. FEMA helps States by reviewing and coordinating State emergency plans. The National Veterinary Response Team (NVRT) is part of disaster response through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Case managers do not use the nursing process. Staff Model HMO 5. Tax - Wikipedia C. The number of animals that need to be evacuated from a farm is an important factor in determining how quickly a farm can be evacuated. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. You ask her the reason for seeing her provider. What is the confusion that might arise concerning her treatment and care is a problem known as? c. 9. Never tie an animal up if floods are pending. Which of the following phrases is characteristic of case management as a method of healthcare delivery? Expert Help. A) decreasing diversity C) uneducated consumers B) lower costs of healthcare D) current nursing shortage, 22. Institutions vary in their level of formality and informality. These organizations must take care to use their resources in support of a charitable purpose.Start a Nonprofit Organization in Ohio 3 Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 1745.51, if a statement of an unincorporated nonprofit association is on file with the Secretary of State, then upon adopting a voluntary resolution of dissolution, a copy of . Nurse case managers coordinate patient care from the time of hospital admission to the time of discharge and often following discharge from an . C. The disposal ofcarcassesmust require the permission of the State or Federal Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Natural Resources. Three patients arrive at the free clinic in need of the same medication, but there is only enough in stock for one person. D. All of the above. Marcos and his horse will lead the tyler fourth of july parade. Libertarian theories It attempts to control costs by modifying the behavior of providers and patients. A. [11 Proven Strategies], 20 Best Companies for Employee Benefits & Perks 2022, Learning Graphic Design: 9 Easy First Steps for Beginners - Self-Made Designer, Solitario clsico - Solitario de tres turnos, FR Legends Supra MOD APK (2022) [Unlimited Money] Free Download, Cops can't break these rules if you're pulled over |, Massey Ferguson: Tractor Warning Light Meanings. A) The contribution rate is. Which of the following statements iscorrectregarding the human food supply in disasters? Each line when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. Plans are required to meet minimum performance levels and to show demonstrable and measurable improvement in specified broad clinical areas (e.g., preventive services, acute ambulatory care, chronic care, and hospital care) based on performance improvement projects that each plan identifies. FEMA IS 111.A: Livestock in Disasters Answers e. Patients do not need to be well informed about the financial benefit issues that affect the provision of care. A. If the physician provides services that cost less than the capitation amount, there is a profit (which the physician keeps). C. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is responsible for overseeing the safety of the environment in the U.S. 2.4) Which of the following best describes the process of screening in the medical office setting? What is the primary focus of healthcare today? A. Livestock agriculture is more widely dispersed than ever before. C. FEMA is a primary source of education on disaster management in the U.S. In which of the following ways have cost-containment issues affected the delivery of healthcare in the U.S.? Which of the following is a natural consequence of utilitarian forms of health care financing? Funds in an FSA are exempt from both income tax and Social Security tax (employers may also contribute to FSAS). The IPA is an intermediary (e.g., physician association) that negotiates the HMO contract and receives and manages the capitation payment from the HMO, so that physicians are paid on either a fee-for-service or capitation basis. The term "managed care" is used to describe a type of health care focused on helping to reduce costs, while keeping quality of care high. 2. B) epidemiology. Answer the following question choosing the stem-changing verb that makes the most sense in the sentence. Managed care plans are a type of health insurance. c. Cyberwarfare is an attack carried out by a group of script kiddies Cyberwarfare is simulation software for Air Force pilots that allows them to practice under a simulated war scenario Cyberwarfare is a series of personal protective equipment developed for soldiers involved in nuclear war 2.3) Which of the following statements best describes a health maintenance organization (HMO)? She is receiving chemotherapy at a hospital and interacts with many other healthcare providers in the course of her treatment. A. D. Many animals look sufficiently distinct for most persons other than the owner to be able to distinguish one animal from another. A. Indemnity payments to farmers for crop losses that are covered by insurance are managed by the USDA Risk Management Agency. A. Disasters can be a threat to animal well-being. C. Hurricanes frequently cause flooding along the coast, but not inland. Health care services are provided to subscribers by physicians employed by the HMO. horse hind leg tendon sheath. A. A man is scheduled for hospital outpatient surgery. but the retirement benefit is not known in advance. C. In most States, Good Samaritan Laws do not directly apply to the care of animals. es importante los pasajeros seguir las instrucciones de seguridad 29. B. which of the following statements describes managed care? B. The nurse may make a referral to what member of the healthcare team? C. The most likely route of entry of a Foreign Animal Disease is from wind blowing the agent across the borders. prestar mucha atencin. Animals that have recently moved from a warmer to a colder climate are at a greater risk of hypothermia than animals that have lived in a colder climate for longer periods. single payer systems. retire without receiving actuarially reduced benefits. A) A PPO is a group of health care providers, such as doctors, hospitals, and ambulatory health care organizations, that contracts with a group to provide their services.
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