And on the flip side of that, once we have the materials, making sure that staff feels supported in using them and using them in the way they were intended to to support the curriculum. One of the first questions We have a couple of questions that have came in during the course of the webinar. We've got a written plan all the way over on the left side of the vector diagram, and over to the right, everything that happens, right? And, again, identify strategies around how a program can ensure that they are implementing their research-based curriculum with fidelity. You might look at how teachers have been responsive and flexible to make modifications in response to data. The Fidelity of Implementation Tools are a set of rubrics that serve as an overview of implementation for Response to Intervention (RtI). Well, probably not. Implementation Guide for Effective Coaching of Teachers Documents Developed By National Center for Systemic Improvement The purpose of this implementation guide from the National Center for Systemic Improvement is to help practitioners systematically implement effective coaching practices. The curriculum offers professional development and materials to support implementation and continuous improvement. Great one. That's a great one. Finally, the Daily Resources provide teachers with more specific guidance on how to engage children in learning experiences throughout the day (e.g., Intentional Teaching Cards, Mighty Minutes, Book Conversation Cards). So, if you're using the creative curriculum and there's a certain amount of autonomous exploration of interest areas, you want to make sure that teachers are making time for that, particularly in shorter days, where scheduling might get in the way. 0000026080 00000 n One will be January 24, and the other will be March 28th. So, some more pragmatic benefits, which probably mean more to those of us who work with teachers regularly because it's why it's important to teachers. Standardized initial training options include two in-person courses: a one-week introduction to the curriculum and a four-week training that covers the five major topics in the "HighScope Infant-Toddler Wheel of Learning:" active learning, adult-child interaction, learning environment, schedule and routines, and assessment. Prefill your email content below, and then select your email client to send the message. Okay, so, Jamie is saying they could use real-life photos of people and children of different cultures. teachers are going to say, "If I could just see that morning meeting done in the way it's so beautifully laid out in my manual. I have tested all AV equipment 11. I love using stories to do, you know, different types of acting out of plots and things. [Laughter]. And those things should be tied to another part of the performance Standards around professional development and making sure that there is a place for teachers or home visitors to really get one-on-one feedback and supervision and mentoring around the use of the curriculum. 0000022854 00000 n Professional Development: The publisher, Teaching Strategies, offers comprehensive standardized initial training and ongoing professional development. Really thinking through those things, both the content knowledge and also the processes, because. 0000010644 00000 n Is the teacher lacking confidence? Is that an issue of teachers feeling insecure about that area? "Sometimes, morning meeting is great, and sometimes it's bad, but I don't think it's ever really gone in a way that I felt was most beneficial. Oh, that's a great idea. Allyson: Well, I think a couple of things. So being able to go and and maybe visit another program and see how others are doing that, as well. Education researchers may value the inclusion of empirical studies, key . That could be very helpful as you start to think about this work. So, curriculum is all of these things, and it also includes all of the things that you're all entering in the chat box. Find a Head Start job near you or anywhere in the U.S. That That would Those are really the things that you need to do, just like we tried to figure out how to support children, you know, looking at what data tells us, asking teachers what they need, and then trying to come around and provide those in a meaningful way. So I'm going to pause here and see if we have questions. The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, 3rd Edition. And maybe they've got another teacher who's really experiencing quite a bit of success who can offer some advice. (Conscious Discipline, p. 68-71), (Creative Curriculum, p. 64-5) Teachers follow through with classroom jobs Jobs are not meaningful. Jul 1995 - Dec 19956 months. So, if a child isn't progressing as planned and you have some concerns, it can be helpful for teachers or a home visitor to really examine how the teaching was implemented, how the curriculum was adhered to, and where there was effectiveness of instruction and where maybe there wasn't, right? - Developed curriculum, mentored and tutored students, created assessments and evaluation - Managed small teaching teams, and coordinated weekly responsibilities of a team of learning assistants Peter, job shadowing. The Guide to The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos orients teachers to the curriculum materials. Hi there, Karen. That's probably an oversimplification. Kim is saying that the grantee needs to make sure that proper materials are available. It's your written plan, it's how you're thoughtful about what you're going to be doing in any given day. Curriculum materials to support implementation include resources that come with a curriculum to help education staff understand how to use it. We have two additional Ed Manager webinar series coming up, one in January, on the 24th, and one in March, on the 28th, at the same time. So important, right? In other words, when I was when people were when teachers were pushed out of their comfort zone and asked to adopt a new technique or a new strategy, to a person, each participant in my study indicated that the most powerful reason that they were able to do that was because they saw that it benefited children. In addition to the observations, during interviews, the teachers stated that the "Sesame Street" cartoon-character posters in the classrooms represented the diversity and ethnicity of the children. If it's a confidence issue, figuring out the best way to provide training and support. We see many people in the chat already excited about this session. Since Creative Curriculum has a tool designed to do just this, they sent their education support staff to check on . So, now we're gonna switch to think about actual individual activity, individual lesson fidelity, which really provides more of the sort of in-the-moment information about the way a curriculum activity is implemented within the learning setting, okay? Do we ourselves or do you as Ed managers feel like you need some more support to fully understand a curriculum in order to support staff in implementing it? Measure and improve fidelity. Though, again, thinking about the competencies of the staff that you're going to hire maybe to oversee curriculum fidelity processes or maybe to support staff to build their skills. Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center, Head Start Collaboration Offices and State Systems, Exploring the Head Start Program Performance Standards. Additionally, programs can purchase Coaching to Fidelity, Preschool Edition ($210), which is a Even though a tall container looks like it has more, the wide container might have more. So, we're really excited that you're here. Joe Preece: Hello. Okay. 0000016089 00000 n The curriculum features 13 Activity Guides that provide weekly lesson plans. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool and Child Plus Fidelity Tool: Staff Environment Screener Teacher: TA: Site: Manager: . It can be confusing to a home visitor, what her curriculum is. The environments in four classrooms were not designed to help children feel a sense of belonging and the sense of belonging that was needed to develop a healthy concept of personal identity important to. Teachers were taught how to implement The Creative Curriculum for Preschool with fidelity to improve positive child outcomes. The Fidelity Tool Teacher Checklist is a valuable tool to set up the classroom, prepare for students, and prepare teachers for the teaching practices they should implement consistently. Professional Development: The publisher, HighScope, offers comprehensive standardized initial training and ongoing professional development. All right. Welcome back. observer can complete the Fidelity Tool Work-sheet. And what we know is that these four components, when pulled together, sort of define what we mean by effective practices, effective teacher practices that really lead to the types of outcomes we want for children and families. My name's Joe Preece. This webinar helps Head Start administrators, teachers, home visitors, and child care partners understand and explore curriculum fidelity. Finally, the publisher offers to work with programs to customize trainings based on program needs. 0000004408 00000 n So, when I said to these teachers, "How did you commit yourself to learning this new curriculum? or, "How did you sort of remain positive and stick with this sort of different approach to your teaching style? they, to a person, all said, "You know, receiving kindergartens told us that our children were. Allyson: It's probably the best you can do. The curriculum also offers professional learning webinars that can be customized to meet the needs of programs using a pre-webinar questionnaire to identify challenges and share successes. Fidelity Observer(s) - Use this form to score implementation fidelity on four key elements. And all of those inform how you individualize and modify your curriculum in response to individual children. No, "The Fidelity Tool" is a self-assessment tool that helps programs to assess if Creative Curriculum is being fully implemented. Welcome. Also learn ways to help education staff to implement the new Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) related to curriculum fidelity. Well, maybe not meaningless, but certainly maybe not as meaningful as another approach. Global fidelity is really key because it provides information on how consistently and regularly staff implement the key elements of curriculum over time, right? 0000025350 00000 n That might be something you'd want to think about when you're assessing how your program is supporting curriculum fidelity. The two Lesson Plans for a Strong Start books give teachers six weeks of lesson plans for infants and toddlers as well as information on how to continue to make intentional plans for children. You can't really ever totally wean back. So, as you think about all of those issues, right, materials, authentic depictions of diversity, what are some of the ways Again, if you're thinking about the three-legged stool, the three factors we talked about that support fidelity, if you think about the professional development here, what types of professional development or how could professional development support the grantee in this scenario? The curriculum features 264 Activity Cards organized by domain and age, which provide best practices, information on child development, learning objectives, required materials, and activity instructions. And so when we think about wanting, really, to achieve some of the same results that were achieved by those researchers, we have to think about curriculum fidelity to ensure that we're optimizing those outcomes. Teachers have used cartoon characters to help children develop self-concepts. Apply in-the-moment guidance. So, they focus on a specific curriculum element or a specific curriculum activity. Is "The Fidelity Tool" from Teaching Strategies accepted as a curriculum? Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used to collect proof of concept and feasibility data for the ACTIVE YOU intervention as part of teacher education. So, let's talk a little bit about what curriculum fidelity is. One is the session presentation, where you can, you know, print that off and take notes, and you'll have the slides to keep after the webinar. And so when we think about research-based, that means that we chose these curricula because somewhere in the research, we found that there was maybe a good fit for the children and families in our program and that there was perhaps some evidence or implementation data that we have that says that it's going to be helpful for children and families. We want you to walk away with a clear definition of what that is and how to ensure that in your program. If you're having trouble reading this because we do want to keep the chat box open I want to remind you that you have it as a handout in the "supporting documents" pod on your screen. So, welcome, welcome, welcome to the first webinar in the education manager series. Can be approved by determination of creative curriculum fidelity checklist pdf file that. Okay, great. So you may have terrific up- front orientation, maybe you bring in the office of a curriculum, you do coaching, you do all of these things in the first three months. It gives teachers it gives all of us information about how to improve practices to ensure that all children progress as planned, right? So, again, tying these pieces of P.D. 0000016471 00000 n With changes in the Head Start Performance Standards and increased focus on implementing a programs chosen curriculum with fidelity, ABC Head Start decided to start by assessing how faithfully teachers were using the curriculum. are also connected to other standards, right, the standards that say that we want to use research-based professional development. It's, in a cyclical way, informing your interactions, the way you set up your environment. We spend so much time focused on making sure that learning is meaningful and relevant for children, and we need to do the same thing for our staff, to do real and meaningful professional development. One, I think this PowerPoint is available for you as a resource as well as a handout, so we sort of created, like, a back-to-back handout on curriculum fidelity that gives you some of the key things that I talked about today; the key things that you would look for and see either at the classroom level or the program level that tell you that curriculum is being implemented in the way it was intended and with fidelity. Standardized training procedures provide consistent content and delivery methods across training sessions. So, over time, if you saw that a teacher, you know, never went out and did that activity on texture you know, it was months and months, and that piece was never addressed that's one thing. So, if teachers believe that this curriculum is effective, that there's a need for it, that the curriculum will be effective and that they themselves have the ability to carry it out and that, in doing so, that's going to benefit children. One of the things to think about is sort of why this professional-development piece is so key. 0000023815 00000 n Great. Innovations: The Comprehensive Infant and Toddler Curriculum. But if it's one week and it rained every day and it didn't happen, but within the course of a month, you see some that activity or something very similar around helping children understand different textures, then that would still be a curriculum implemented with fidelity, even though it wasn't scripted and it didn't happen in the exact time and place that a curriculum might define. We're really excited to kick this webinar series off. So, we'll talk here a little bit about, again, fidelity of implementation, those processes. Online courses represent another option for ongoing professional development. We will have a Q&A period, but also something might come to you as I'm talking, and feel free to add that. This set includes 13 no-prep templates perfect for exploring shapes, critical thinking, and creativity. Allyson: We can hear you now, Joe. We have about 10 minutes, so I think we have plenty of time for questions. Yes. It's almost like triaging. Fidelity refers to implementing a program or curriculum as intended, which can be a key factor in its success and whether it positively moves youth outcomes. Background: Management of burn injuries presents a complex and challenging situation for medical staff, especially for inexperienced young doctors. For instance, if the curriculum guide for this week or this month say that you're going to focus on shapes and all your children already identify shapes well and have really a solid understanding of that concept, you're not going to the activities around shapes, right? When a coach, principal, or fellow teacher observes instruction, he or she should not provide critical feedback. The worksheet is a template that Professional Development: Frog Street offers a range of in-person courses, including both initial (Frog Street Infant Curriculum Implementation) and ongoing (Frog Street Infant Curriculum Follow-Up) training sessions. Why did you choose the HighScope curriculum? However, the curriculum lacks additional materials to support implementation, such as teaching resources that offer comprehensive guidance on foundational aspects of curriculum implementation (e.g., how to set up the physical environment, establish individualized schedules, engage families) or any training or coaching resources. hopefully I'm not killing that is saying having children dress up and create their own diversity photos. Use this document to understand and explore curriculum fidelity. That might be an implementation issue, right? Maybe you start to think about looking to identify new staff with training and education, certainly in early childhood education, but maybe with a focus on curriculum instruction, right, and or maybe you're looking for folks who have experience implementing the curriculum that your program has decided to implement. And then let's think a little bit, again, from the teacher's perspective about why ongoing assessment of child learning is so important. I am going to move us along. I get my cholesterol levels. No, one copy is required for the program and needs to be So, those are the types of things you really want to track over time. You might want to familiarize yourself with where the chat box is.
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