Tonight I will give you a brief outline of the main events that happen to a Christian like Eloise after they die. Matthew 25:23 in all English translations. Verse 31 tells us that they went to " Decapolis ". Luke 16: Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will be dishonest with much. If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, then who would hand you true riches? Deserts will bloom and the thorns and briars I fast twice a week and I give a tenth of all I get." Enter into the joy of your master!' Sermons Pulpit Commentary Homiletics Good And Faithful Servants Matthew 25:21 W.F. And after that, and then you may have your dinner.? Our works, good works apart from faith in Christ are actually corrupt because they're not done for the glory of God, but rather for the glory of man. James says, "Show me your faith without deeds, I'll show you my faith by what I do." The other day as I was thinking about what to preach for Elaine's funeral sermon, I was scanning my mental files for possible biblical texts to work with. Those who are Christians in name only do not have this blessed hope. Do you know how long you'll have that? He was talking about his different triumphs and different things that happened, and he said the most memorable championship he ever won was his last championship at Wimbledon, seventh championship. Please stand and turn to John, chapter 14, verse 1. Funerals: For the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides) Regular price: $12.99 Preaching Hope in Darkness: Help for Pastors in Addressing Suicide from the Pulpit Regular price: $16.99 The Hardest Sermons You'll Ever Have to Preach: Help from Trusted Preachers for Tragic Times Regular price: $15.99 Create an account At his funeral countless numbers of his co-workers all told the same story - this man loved Jesus and loved people. XXV. Have all of Andy's new content emailed to you every Thursday! But, Jesus and His men do not go straight back to Jewish country. Well done, good and faithful servant, you've been faithful to a few things, now I'm going to put you in charge of many things. The implication of this is just staggering, friends. I. 1 Timothy 1:15 speaks of the Gospel, the good news of the blessed God, which is the good news that God is happy. In 1 Corinthians 4:5, what we get is praise from God. A JOYFUL FUNERAL SERMON by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr. "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. Or what about the hawk or the eagle? To finish strong is to have a concentrated life. Now, I know that no hope can be given in some cases, for we are called upon to preach the funeral of the worst sinner as well as the best saint. Eloises body, and the bodies of all true Christians, will be caught upto meet the Lord in the air (v. 17). Paul and Barnabas had been forced to flee from Antioch and Iconium. God is actually intending to reward you for good works. Praise can be given to a created being without it being worship. He always agrees, provided they don't mind that he speaks Christian truth. It says in verse 14, it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. So, you have this master and he's the owner. The clear statements make it obvious. I'm going to put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master." The unbelieving will never hear those words, for "without faith it is impossible to please God" ( Hebrews 11:6 ). She invested her talents in her community. Look to His bloodshed on the cross. Sorrow and sighing shall flee away! Second, Eloise is fully aware of what is happening to her in Paradise right now. Medals of honor, medals of valor, medals of glory, medals of achievement, medals of bravery, medals of service. As Jesus said in Matthew 12:33, "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is known by its fruit." Amen. God will reward us for what we do. It is a life that God will richly reward by grace on Judgment Day." You are presently, right now, auditioning for the role you're going to play in that eternal play. Preparing well for the funerals of unknowns is vital so that those who listen might find some consolation in Christ. Psalm 116:15. Sit in the back and see what they do. To miss one is to miss a part of life's full recipe. Ever. Then that one with the one talent comes in and insults the master, not a good way to begin your Judgment Day encounter. But not so fast, dear friends. The glory and the honor of the nations will be brought into it. This sounds like the kings of the earth are bringing glory into the New Jerusalem, to say more than this is to indulge freely in speculation. We came to this strange mountain lake that was incredibly salty. This isn't just any joy; this is the happiness that comes from God. She died at 3:04 PM on December 13, 2017 at the age of 71. Things seem to go well for us at one moment, then somehow in the next moment it is matched by an equal amounts of misfortune. To hear those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant," from Jesus, first make sure you are saved. And he said unto me, It is done. Where's my father? These sermon manuscripts and videos now go out to about 1,500,000 computers in over 221 countries every year at "Well Done" are the words that we want to hear the Savior say to us when we see Him. If these sermons bless you send an e-mail to Dr. Hymers and tell him, but always include what country you are writing from. He's going to say, Look at the New Jerusalem I made. When I began my preparation I found almost no funeral sermons in print. The essence of our time on Earth here, our sin on earth has been idolatry, and that's worshipping and serving created things, more than the Creator who's forever praised. 3. But genuine saving faith always results in good works. It is one of the greatest motivators to live the Christian life. Look at verse 21 again, his master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little. We're all enjoying Jesus, just kneeling at His feet. Look at what I've made. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:1-3). In our mourning of her passing, let us be comforted by the Word of God: sorrow, crying, or pain for everything will, be made new just as God intended for it to, I Thessalonians 4:13-14: Dont mourn as the, world does, for we do so with hope of the. Or as we already heard in Romans chapter 2,"God will give to each person according to what he has done. The dead rose from the grave. Even as we rejoice, however, let us not forget that Lent is still not over. In the kingdom of Christ, grow it, build it for the glory of God. Flee away that glory day! For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air (I Thessalonians 4:16-17). Don't wait till your spouse dies to express your love. The sermon manuscripts are not copyrighted, so preachers can use them without our permission. Nuts and Bolts: Things to Know About Your Sermon and the Funeral Process. I want you to look at this new Earth. I saw such strong similarities between the story of Dorcas and Elaine's story. Perhaps you remember in 1980, after the men's hockey Olympic hockey team had defeated the Russians and went on to win the gold medal. I go to prepare a place for you. Come along now. She was a real Christian for many years. Words fail on a day like this. Preaching a funeral is one of the greatest responsibilities of being a pastor. Hope in death and dyingin Christ: evangelisticfuneral sermon for preachers. Isn't it fantastic? He's going to walk with you and he's going to teach you how to feel joy, and not only that, but he's going to teach you joy in his other children. Sit down and eat. He is a joyful being. On July 15th, 1815, the defeated former Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, boarded the British warship, the HMS Bellerophon, and was being sent to his final earthly destination. Joy is a powerful word in the happiness family, it is the most powerful happiness word, I think. Yet, even in the context of a funeral, we remember what Ezekiel learned: God's breath suffocates death. Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord (Matthew 25:21). Two Journeys Ministry houses all of PastorAndy Davis' content. That's what it looks like when somebody does good works to be justified by them. He was always encouraging, smiling, joyful and shining the love of Christ every single day on his job. "There is no one who does good, not even one,"[Romans 3:12]. 23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You can write to Dr. Hymers in any language, but write in English How did you like that one? Therefore, we have no good works apart from Christ. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, the death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done." But for those who are self-seeking, who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger." Is it wrong to yearn for that? How part? This was the funeral of a very lovely 94-year-old woman in our church, who was a believer. So obviously, then, your sermon needs to be shorter than a traditional Sunday sermon. Let them leave with a sense that Christ is the hope of . It is said that when one of his church members was dying, John Watson, the Scottish preacher of Edinburgh, would kneel down and whisper in the person's ear: "In my Father's house are many rooms.". The horse, what I made. Jesus shed His Blood on the Cross to cleanse you from all sin (I John 1:7). What I would have given for a volume funeral messages to get me started. He came to find us, to forgive us, and to free us from the power of sin. Amen. It is to the glory of God for you to be a spiritual athlete and go after joy. No, a man's a Jew if he's one inwardly. He wanted his parents' approval, and especially mentioned his father's approval. But even if I could, I would say, Im only an unworthy servant, I've only done my duty. These rewards are given to us by grace, we should just be staggered by all this. As a matter of fact, the rewards can go down to a small deed as in Matthew 10:42, "Giving a cup of cold water to a servant in Lord who's out on mission, and you just help him on his way." Edward Smith, we can not help but consider the song that the choir just sung. When Jesus comes to reign. Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy . Praise from God. Among the many laws in the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy 24:5 is one of the most quaint. 5. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God, he lives a righteous life. He's celebrating Job, a human being. But we also know from the world around us / the struggles and the conflicts / the pre-determined attitudes and fixed mind-sets / which do not uphold those Sometimes it may be up to an hour. Friends, if you hear me saying, we don't need to be doing that, you have missed it. Over the past week, our church has grieved over the death of two members, and the father of Nyles and Dwayne Smith. For most of us, that means there is still a lot of work to do in repenting of sins and in making a good unburdening confession, in engaging in self-denial, and in going out . Isn't that incredible? Such a man's praise does not come from men, but from God. The purpose of this website is to provide free sermon manuscripts and sermon videos to pastors and missionaries throughout the world, especially the Third World, where there are few if any theological seminaries or Bible schools. There's also going to be responsibilities in the new Heaven, the new Earth, there's going to be jobs up there. Well done, good, and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. You will learn both things to avoid and practices to emulate. Her body will go into the grave in a few days, awaiting the rapture.. This statement is a staggering one. Look at the procedure we see in the stories. Rev. You've been faithful with a few things, I'm going to put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master." The first one came and said, Sir, your mina has earned 10 more. Well done, good servant his master replied, because you have been trustworthy in a small matter, take charge of 10 cities. Sorrow and sighing shall flee away! She invested her talents in her love for her, children - all of them. A Funeral SERMON: MAT. Jesus says, when you're not focusing on God, you're going to focus in on another human being and you're going to live to please men and not God. The first answer is that God raised his own Son from the dead. The purpose of this website is to provide free sermon manuscripts and sermon videos to pastors and Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. They do it, says Paul, to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. God says, "I'm going to teach you joy that you havent known before. The Bible also tells us that rewards are given to us by grace, dear friends, we cannot demand them, and we know we don't deserve them. He says later,"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." There are certain verses in Scripture that become the strength of Christians. In the context of this statement, this one verse, verse 21, also verse 23, same verse, is the parable of the talents that we looked at in detail last week. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven, in the same way, they persecuted the prophets who were before you." He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations (Revelation 2:26). A sermon of encouragement LET US NOT BE WEARY IN WELL DOING 1 Corinthians 15:58 - Therefore, my brothers and sister, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. We are not justified by works. In Hebrews 11:26, Moses regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as a greater value than all the treasures of Egypt because he was looking ahead to his reward. And my mind landed on the story about this woman named Dorcas from the Book of Acts. If you find these resources helpful, please prayerfully consider donating as the Lord leads you. As many money giving opportunities and prayers up in secret and actions done and gospel shared, and fear overcome and everything you need to do to store up your Father's praise for you. III. You don't tell anybody, you weep for somebody that's lost, God sees it, He knows, and He will reward you. The master comes back and settles accounts with these servants. We want to be immortal, that is, we want to live forever. These sermon manuscripts are not copyrighted. Why is that? But you must be converted to have these blessings. Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? His father had never gone to any of his major tennis matches. Funeral Sermon Ecclesiastes 3:11 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 11 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A . 3 His sword was in his hand, Still warm with recent fight, Ready that moment, at command, I preached the funeral that I could preach for a Rahab, or a Ruth, or the thief on the cross. Good works cannot pay for our sinfulness, only faith in the blood of Jesus Christ can. I was on my own. Yes. She was married to James Roop on New Years Eve, December 31, 1994. Jesus died on the Cross to pay the full penalty for your sin. Scriptures: We also want glory and honor. 4. Through trust in Jesus, Richard had become so united to Jesus that his last breath was like Jesus' last breath on the cross, his body giving way was like Jesus' giving way, and when Richard finally fell asleep to the world early in the morning Sep. 22, he opened his eyes to behold his Lord and Savior saying, "Well done. Matthew 7:16-20, "By their fruit, you will recognize them. Matthew 25:14-30 . In all this, she used that which God gave her to multiply Gods gifts to her in order that she might do the will of God! Good job". Matthew 25:23New International Version. A concentrated life to the lordship of Jesus Christ results in a focused, centered life. He's going on a journey, the master is going to be away for a key period of time, so the servants are going to be able to function without him visibly right there. Garden of Eden restored that day! She criticized the way funerals were done in America, including cosmetic excrescences and high expenses stemming from the greed . When Jesus comes to reign. To another he gave 2 sacks of treasure. 2021 14 Dec. His Lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. 4. That's the topic of our sermon here. Story #5: Dwight Moody . Speaking at a funeral or memorial service is a somber moment. From talking to you and in the short time that I have known her, I believe she invested those talents very faithfully in her service for the Lord. I sought to point out that our comfort (and hers) in the face of death was not based upon her age and physical condition, but rather in Christ. Christ shed His blood to cover our sins, but that's not all, He also gives us a fruitful life of service that's going to count for eternity. This is a man that had thrown the world into turmoil for 20 years. Thanks be to God, if He couldn't do that, this sermon would be a waste of everyone's time. The alert has been sounded. Do you see it? 1. MAT. This concept of authority structure is taught openly in the Parable of the 10 minas[money] which is a parallel parable here. The servants must give an account back to the master what they did with the things entrusted. He does it even more clearly at the beginning of the entire book of Job, when He says to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job? For we must all [who are true Christians] appear before the judgment seat of Christ (II Corinthians 5:10). In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. He is a richly generous master, but you must come to Him for forgiveness. I never had the privilege of meeting this loved one, but I do know several of her family that I love very much, and I am . I dont know if I can say "I did everything God wanted me to do today". Now, let's look at verse 21, and what I'm going to do with verse 21 is tell you what rewards you'll get. It affects the way you live. And concerning fasting, be sure that no one knows that you're fasting. The one with the two talents, he gains the two more. He identifies them based on their works. "Serve the LORD with gladness!" These are the basic ingredients of stewardship. life and death. How good is Jesus, how good is Jesus Christ for giving us these things? She was born on June 14, 1946. What is man that you're mindful of him? 2. Now by way of review, you've known the reading of the parable of the talents is rich and full. We're going to share it together, and I'm going to tell you how I felt when you prayed or gave that money, etcetera." Most importantly, she loved her Lord and she. He says there's no need in a funeral to make any pronouncement about the faith or non-faith of the deceased. Enter into the joy of your Master". We swam in it and you couldn't go under the surface of the water. . Lame men shall leap as an hart, for then It's a life that's characterized by, as he puts it, "Persistence in doing good, seeking glory, honor, and immortality." This is the essence of, Well done, good and faithful servant., Death & Dying, Bible Prophecy, The Birth of Christ, Providence and Sovereignty of God, Temptation, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, Joy, War Against the Flesh, Works of the Flesh, Repentance, Humility, Holiness, Anabaptists, Beatitudes, Forgiveness, The Law of God, The Power of Sin, Sexual Purity, Marriage and Parenting, War Against the Flesh, Works of the Flesh, Prophecy, False Teaching & False Teachers, Abiding in Christ, Persecution, Boldness & Courage, Temptation. I'm going to put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master." If this is all there was to life it would seem like an . Feb 17, 2013. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. Secondly, He says, we must desire the rewards that God has in store for us. . Well done, you good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over little. That is his praise for the deeds done, for the actual work done, so the character of the servant and the work are both focus of praise. All sickness gone, all sore. He says to the sheep, to the righteous, to the redeemed,"Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. One moment let us drink the blue Transcendent air together Then down where the same old work's to do In the same dull daily weather. Im going to teach you how to be happy about everything. Forever, you're going to learn joy of the increase of His kingdom, there will be no end. Read full chapter. 3 Finishing strong can only be done by a life that has chosen Christ as Savior and Lord. 1 "Servant of God, well done! 33. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? We see this principle also in the parable of The Sheep and the Goats. Rarely is it longer than an hour. John 5,"Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out. Why do I say this? You have servants who are owned by the master and are accountable to him. As this sermon reminds us, the scriptures are very clear and forceful that in times of crisis, many people feel the absence of God. IV. `Well done, good and faithful servant! For me, John Wilde was one of those people. Adeney We cannot but be struck with the cheerful tone of these generous words. As Napoleon was talking with the captain of the Bellerophon, the ship that would carry him to his exile, he was in a pensive and somewhat ironic mood. However, though we may not be justified by good works, the Bible teaches, and this is hard for Christian to understand, but the Bible teaches it, we will be assessed by our works.
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