Thats pretty bad in 2023. Although stranger things have happened. Harry is the more practical sibling, thanks to his Virgo sun, Taurus moon and Capricorn ascendant. Theres a pattern here isnt there. Divorce something rotten in the House of Windsor, the CoE, or both? This is classic Pluto in Capricorn stuff. As such, they are not going to want to see this kind of sibling rivalry and drama play out amongst their own children. I am exhausted by it all at times. We are nearly at 300 comments for this feature now so lets keep going. They are the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The Body Language Guy JER (hello to LizA) has a couple of videos which very much appear to show Meghan Markle wearing recording devices. Yes, Prince George does have these historic transits by Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. As Fate, or more properly Google would have it, immediately after posting my comment, a video came up on my YouTube feed posing the question So if Meghan Markles not a narcissist, then what is she?. Unless you want to disrupt the Church of England, of course, by basically undermining the sanctity of the holy ceremony three days later. Ghislaine Maxwell has apparently given an interview to Jeremy Kyle I wonder whether MM features, will be interesting to see. This may be why our late Queen did not go to the service. Its all very peculiar. It will not be outlawed but it will be controlled. Thank you. I saw that news break about the Russian Twitter onslaught about Meghan. And we know the marriage ended in divorce. The Grand Duchess died in 1920 and Queen Mary bought it. The other baby brother spare would eventually become Richard III after Edwards own death & who declared Edwards sons (the Princes in the Tower) illegitimate thus making himself King. Will they resurface? Since George III and the Prince Regent who replaced him. Still, it is sensible to be sharply aware of what you are inviting (or whom you are inviting) into your life from the final week of March. Though why it should be The Commonwealth, s beyond me, as they didnt want it to start with. An Express article by Sophie McCabe 21/02/23 suggests the future of UK monarchy could follow the Norwegian model, which seems to match the republican feelings in that country in harmony with a monarchy. Too funny. Thank you Jessica, as always, for your accurate observations and comments. Thus, Lady Campbell has form. Jessica, James Grey Stuart was the youngest son of the 17th Earl of Moray. A free spirit with a dominant air chart- you attempt to label him he will go cold. They see no wrong in what they do. Is this a realistic hope given the astrology? Is there anybody in MI5 or MI6 actually doing their job? You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. Keep up the amazing work, Jessica and Happy New Year xx. Never forgot it. Or America and Britain. Welby said he wont be told what to do by MPs. Too funny. The last I heard on this subject was that some American newspapers were picking up on the allegations and running stories about it. Best, Which may explain why the book has an odd vibe. Thank you. Also mentioned India pro Russia due to links/ finances etc. Scorpions cannibalise each other or sting each other to death during sex; the old astrologers had a dark sense of humour. Alone. And the triangular mountain itself not dissimilar to the one of the front of th American dollar bill. I see that Prince George has Pluto opposite his Sun on March 22. Are there any transits to show that the negative media about this couple will fade away? Harry Styles birth chart, Harry Styles kundli and Harry Styles horoscope by based date of birth, time of birth and place of birth of Harry Styles . Many people have commented on how similar Harry is in appearance to Henry VIII who broke with Rome so that he may divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn causing a schism in the church and England. Thank you for so much food for thought in your replies. Absolutely amazing how this whole story plays out! Its a perfect storm. You have added so much to this ongoing story and there will be a lot of readers who are very grateful to you. As for William, I have to confess to wanting to see him and Catherine both being crowned at Westminster Abbey. Its all too useful for the enemy, and they do like cheap (or free) propaganda. Id be furious in the same situation- but also extremely worried. The physical outbursts of expressed pain in the family predate Harry and Williams. In the press it said the RF had instructed him to settle to avoid it overshadowing the Jubilee which seems reasonable. Can he really have thought that this was the best way to go? Mesmerised unsure why. Id say there is a team of people whose entire job it is, to manipulate our attention so that we find we do end up caring, very much so. Why? Im the luckiest girl in the world. That tweet made me suspicious back then, and made me think Harry was like winning the lottery to her. It doesnt require a Royal to do it. But Im aware that our president pretty much presides like a monarch Seems we cant really get rid of them (just joking). Or was it the other way around. What's Harry Styles' sign? #shorts #zodiac #astrology - YouTube Have we ever been clear on how Harry met Meghan? Perhaps his unconscious is talking to him about the coronation or perhaps he is part of a set-up that is bigger than himself. I just did not have time to analyse five natal charts on the day, as the Comments section on my website can be so busy. I did find it interesting and perhaps prudent that King Charles added Anne and Edward to his Counsellors of State. Why? Aries (March 21 to April 19): 2022 is a year of change for you, so be prepared to be adaptable and flexible. Perhaps its the royal family. You often find Mercury Retrograde offering up the trivial problems which actually become part of the larger story sometimes an immense story. Julie. So by demoralising the Royal Family they loose their popularity that leads to more countries in the Commonwealth leaving therefore reducing/weakening the commonwealth. Im sorry I dont know how to write this in English : Sun 1936 Taurus 11th House/ Uranus 149r Scorpio 5th H / Saturn 2350 Leo 2nd H / Pluto 1424r Libra 4th H. You mentioned foreigners in your blog for Taurus I do have a project currently blocked, linked to something foreign and I havent been able to find the right support in France so far which drives me slightly crazy I also procrastinate at length and the whole Harry saga gives me the perfect excuse for it (!) This Pluto-Pluto square will happen more than once over the next 18 months wont it as Pluto moves in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius. Someone has done an awful lot of data mining online and found how to divide us, havent they? Ive just commented to another reader that single men are good targets for the enemy. If you go back to the astrology of Meghan and Harry, she has karma with her family, which ends in July. My thoughts were only time will tell if this lasts as there was and is so much karma and chemistry there between them. You saw William as King, not Charles. Youve sensed Pluto in the distance. Why didnt Harry ring his therapist. Re the bullying of Charlotte by MM, the same YouTuber who gave her assessment of MMs possible personality disorder, spotted MM giving 3 year-old Charlotte a very hard look, in front of the world, as the little bridesmaids approached the front of the church prior to turning left, at the wedding. Great read, thanks for that; I always look forward to reading your predictions. This blog is quite incredible, with such knowledgeable commenters I really appreciate everyone. Thank you and have a wonderful eve. Thank you. Thank you. So plenty to puzzle over and yet no answer is remotely satisfying. The religious aspect the deal with God, to quote Kate Bush has repercussions. However, after the demise of Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette came the years of The Terror for France. And if the Archbishop of Canterbury, cuts up about the legality of the marriage, then who needs him! March 23rd is indeed the day for large trays of gin and tonic, as Pluto moves to 0 Aquarius and the astrological charts for the church and all the major players are triggered. Trevor Engelson even? Hindsight is interesting, five years later. Present was Angela Kelly, the Queens advisor and one of the few authors given Her Majestys approval. Its great that you have picked up on the Murdochs. No matter what the reason for Meghans absence, I need to do what I always do, which is remind people of the truth. Cheers, Thank you for the replies and predictions (now unfolding) Both fell in love with captains. Frances/Margrete Fredkulla/Isabelle de Valois /Jeanne Grey/Lucille Ricksen etc. Ive predicted several times now that Charles and Camilla will not rule. Something fun to do, on this thread, which I hope eagle-eyed readers like you will take part in, is to pre-empt the next plot twist. Netflix and Hs book and interviews not having produced overwhelmingly positive responses from Hollywood/media/public opinion poll results through the floor we now seem to be getting endless hints/comments supposedly on MMs behalf distancing herself from it all. As subjects we are allowed to ask these questions online these days, though of course, back then you have might have been waving at the ravens in the Tower of London! It bothers me that he has been isolated from family and friends. That eclipse, days after the peculiar photo shoot, hit Harrys chart. After 17 years of being a counsellor and psychologist maybe Ive developed a feel for danger and for knowing hurt and pain. According to Thornton, Harry's current behavior is more in line with the traits exhibited in his birth chart, or a map of the stars at the exact moment of his birth. I feel the same when I read your site there is no hidden agenda with what you do, you are just trying to help as much as you can. what an enthralling discussion this is and continues to be. Catherine just launched her Shaping Us campaign about how the first years of our lives greatly shape our future and our future mental health. Pinterest has more comparison photos. I had a dream. The issue of race should not be underestimated, but here things are a bit upside down. I saw M and H really diminished and tied to a radiator. An interesting fact is that the current Lord Chamberlain is Lord Parker, who was Director of MI5 until 1st April 2021. Chart patterns are a collection of aspects that are grouped together to reveal a larger geometric pattern within the chart. The decisions they themselves made which are now coming back to haunt them. Perhaps both are responsible for peddling variations of truth or alternative facts. Which would mean Harry is as well, presumably. If you want to push sales on a book, you dont just have a pre-campaign with lots of surprises (the so-called Spanish surprise editions) you also have further bombshells to re-ignite demand for a second print run. Honestly, when I wrote you I was in the past, thinking of the 2007 realizations of my fathers will which closed years later in 2018. But then they didnt want The King. He wrote that QEII had mars closely conjunct jupiter so thats why she became queen at a young age as it didnt take long for jupiter to progress to exact conjunction with mars. I think its fair to say that the Duchess of Sussex is a former actress, but in her current role, is still acting. The Tarot can help with guidance on this Cancer-Capricorn axis transit. Hi Jessica, thank you for the interesting article. . What about security? I just get a feeling that there may be a re-opening of the Inquest on Diana with new (actually old but untold) information coming to light. Its not Russian, its French, but its made in the kokoshnik style, favoured by the Russian Imperial Court. There is also synchronicity with the archers in the Bayeux Tapestry, now a popular internet meme, showing Harold and William). Charles III is boxing clever here. In addition, to split the United Kingdom (so Scotland, for example, may aim for independence). I cannot wait until March to see what happens. Prince William does not have mars conjunct jupiter and in fact jupiter has to pass saturn and pluto in order to progress to conjunct mars. Too odd. Perhaps, the importance of Mercury in the Oscars' chart, the planet of communication, gave a nod towards Read more You can let this kind of soap opera go in one ear and out the other, so to speak, if you even somehow understand the plot. Loving your website, and particularly this post and the comments, by the way. The person who went on a rant today and ended her membership was wrong in saying that you wrote this feature in anger. Can you please elaborate? Stone cold, which I think is a symbolic reference, but I clearly saw handcuffs and them handcuffed and kept quiet. Were there any incidents related to the Royal Family? America/UK: Robert/Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Trump, Soho House, Marcus Anderson, parties, wannabees, Meghan and a yacht I note what you say about the Russia/China/Commonwealth connection and I was deeply shocked to discover just a few minutes ago, that South Africa, my country of birth, and a member of the Commonwealth, is allowing Russia to use its seas for naval drills. Or if Harry had been the first-born and obviously had not behaved as he has and left would it have been unacceptable for him to marry a divorce? Our system detects whether DST was applied using the Olson timezone database. (This leads the author PT to recount this next bit): The change in the weather at Dianas grave should be taken seriously along with your feeling she was angry. Well I never. On a personal level I get a visceral deep clench in my stomach every time I see a photo or headline of MM. Of course, Lady C may be talking about some other cover-up which has implications for the Church of England, particularly if it involves the law but looking at all these charts, the whole world is about to be reminded that the Supreme Governor of the Church of England is always the reining monarch. The eclipse was in the chart area associated with pregnancy and children. Pluto leaves the sign of the elite ruling the masses, and enters the sign of equality, diversity and community. is my description. Eclipses have always surrounded the monarchy. MMs parents were not invited. And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: It would suit the astrology if Queen Charlotte chooses the role. What an awful situation for a family to be in, and the publicity must be unbearable. For this reason, I think that she is the ideal honey trap, not aware that she is performing that function. He just doesnt care as an adult, bcz the family publicly didnt come to support him as a kid when he more likely did. And as for Meghan she is a Leo with a Libra stellum. Mind you, if Id thrown a few truth bombs, Id be as far as possible from the explosion site as I could! For years, the British Royal Family, the government, the Church and the British people made a very big deal of divorce (Margaret & Peter Townsend, Anne and Charles having to wait years in order to be permitted to divorce) and suddenly nobody criticized the fact that the bride was a divorce and it was a huge fete. What we have here is a man who is strongly Sagittarian, with Uranus, Mars and Neptune in that sign a stellium. Will Pluto in Aquarius tell us more about this sprawling global enterprise? Bizarre. So, looking at blindspots I cant help noting Harry forces the world to see his pain yet is blind to his familys pain and feels justified inflicting more. What we have here is a game of chess that the astrology has picked up. Thank you. The food critic & columnist Giles Coren put out a tweet supposedly confirming this but quickly disowned/denied the story (down to too much drink at a meal?). Itll be really interesting to see what happens re: Charles and the CoE or even the sovereign full stop and the CoE. In the second dream, which I will recount in the present tense since that is how I recorded it in my diary, I am sitting in a sand dune having a picnic. I do have a few journalists around the world who follow the astrology and its always useful when the horoscope gets straight to the point; the point very much being Harrys foreign affairs, as weve seen. Or if it relates to weddings , one of the internet rumours/gossip Ive seen put forward purports to an early alleged MM marriage annulment. Thats just a random example, but what is unfolding here, in March, is enough to see history repeat itself from the 18th century and a monarch topple. That whole story was disclosed to Oprah to make the Royal Family look heartless and yet now as more information has come to light about Harrys therapist, it seems that it is either not true or Harry didnt think to ring his therapist to help a woman that he proclaims to love and wants to protect. Thank you for all your replies, to everyone. Lady C speaks beautifully, but I do find I have to speed up playback as she speaks quite slowly. Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. The horoscope can only go so far, but March 2023 will help inform his subjects in Sussex (! What we are seeing in March is this astonishing thud, as Pluto lands at 0 Aquarius and triggers everybody and everything in the pages of Spare. Like for eg the grey men Diana talked about, as some PR thing? Harry is making a small fortune and there are at least two Russian billionaires in his address book. True. Hes a very nice man. The fact is, there is now a lot of money to pay out to anyone who will come forward with evidence about either. All Thanks and Best Wishes to you, The aspects describe the geometric angles between the planets. It was originally diamonds hung with pearls. Weve seen it all before. The Leo eclipses suggest both single men were eclipsed at the same time. All taking place during the Mercury retrograde, which should be cautionary tale for us all. Ill be giving it away, though. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. The taxation and finance cycles dont begin (for him) until July 2023. I worry that he has been a target of Russia, using all its American power. Lady C is really of no help whatsoever by saying the massive secret was something the public told the family, online. After William left Harry immediately rang his therapist. Hi Jessica, Claire is a sincere medium , now thats HER reading. In the article an Army Colonel Philip Imgrim discusses his own experience with PTSD. Please say yes! And while some of the things they have done, may have shocked royal fans, there was one woman who correctly predicted much of their future . Harry Styles Love Horoscope | Harry Styles Marriage - AstroSage The revolution chart for Russia has the Ascendant at 28 Sagittarius. I am embarrassed at the enormity of the gift and refuse it, saying Prince Charles might be cross if she gave it away. Julie. Janie Bee, just a drone. With regards to David Foster, he is certainly chummy with Yuri Milner, who is well worth the research. Welby is massaging an earthquake here. It has been amazing to watch him throw his family under the bus in the media, as he admonishes the media for doing the same thing to him and Meghan. It is interesting to note also that Meghan Markle was raised in the Episcopal Church, later attending a Catholic school.
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