"The course actually walks you through an inspection of fuel farm facilities and refueling trucks. Search & Navigation This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our 106(g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must ensure that each object in each area within its authority that has been determined by the FAA to be an obstruction is removed, marked, or lighted, unless determined to be unnecessary by an FAA aeronautical study. (1) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. (j) Methods and procedures. (2) Actions recommended in the wildlife hazard assessment to reduce wildlife hazards; (3) The aeronautical activity at the airport, including the frequency and size of air carrier aircraft; (6) Any other known factors relating to the wildlife hazard of which the Administrator is aware. (2) Are authorized by the Administrator at the time the construction, reconstruction, or expansion began if construction, reconstruction, or significant expansion of the runway or taxiway began on or after January 1, 1988. 139.329 Pedestrians and ground vehicles. (2) Bomb incidents, including designation of parking areas for the aircraft involved; (4) Fires at fuel farms or fuel storage areas; (6) Hazardous materials/dangerous goods incidents; (7) Sabotage, hijack incidents, and other unlawful interference with operations; (8) Failure of power for movement area lighting; and. (2) On the Regional Airports Division Manager's own initiative, if the Regional Airports Division Manager determines that safety in air transportation requires the amendment. Shared-use airport means a U.S. A Class III airport cannot serve scheduled or unscheduled large air carrier aircraft. will also bring you to search results. (b) Fencing that meets the requirements of applicable FAA and Transportation Security Administration security regulations in areas subject to these regulations is acceptable for meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(l) of this section. (b) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for identifying and marking construction areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments (3) Any required vehicle that becomes inoperative to the extent that it cannot perform as required by paragraph (g)(1) of this section must be replaced immediately with equipment having at least equal capabilities. (1) Include procedures for prompt response to all emergencies listed in paragraph (b) of this section, including a communications network; (2) Contain sufficient detail to provide adequate guidance to each person who must implement these procedures; and. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Index determination. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting (eg: (5) Index E includes aircraft at least 200 feet in length. (3) Any reproduction, for a fraudulent purpose, of any certificate or approval issued under this part. (i) Each airport subject to applicable FAA and Transportation Security Administration security regulations must ensure that instructions for response to paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(7) of this section in the airport emergency plan are consistent with its approved airport security program. (1) With the aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment required under this part and the number of trained personnel that will assure an effective operation, each certificate holder must -, (i) Respond to each emergency during periods of air carrier operations; and. : FAA-2010-0247; Amdt. (4) No objects may be located in any safety area, except for objects that need to be located in a safety area because of their function. (c) Prevent, insofar as it is within the airport's authority, interruption of visual and electronic signals of NAVAIDS. Such records must be maintained for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. view historical versions There are Federal Register documents that will modify this content. (2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or report that is required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance with any requirement under this part. (3) Snow, ice, slush, or water on the movement area or loading ramps and parking areas. Background and more details are available in the (9) Water rescue situations, as appropriate. In 2004, FAA issued a final rule that revised the Federal airport certification regulation [Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 139 (14 CFR Part 139] and established certification requirements for airports serving scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft designed for more than 9 passenger seats but less than 31 passenger seats. (1) Upon application by the certificate holder or. (2) The pavement must have no hole exceeding 3 inches in depth nor any hole the slope of which from any point in the hole to the nearest point at the lip of the hole is 45 degrees or greater, as measured from the pavement surface plane, unless, in either case, the entire area of the hole can be covered by a 5-inch diameter circle. (5) Self-inspection. The wildlife hazard assessment must contain at least the following: (1) An analysis of the events or circumstances that prompted the assessment. Lines of succession of airport operational responsibility, 2. the hierarchy of the document. (c) Each certificate holder must, as a fueling agent, comply with, and require all other fueling agents operating on the airport to comply with, the standards established under paragraph (b) of this section and must perform reasonable surveillance of all fueling activities on the airport with respect to those standards. (4) Coordination of airport and control tower functions relating to emergency actions, as appropriate. (3) Airport communications, including radio communication between the air traffic control tower and personnel, use of the common traffic advisory frequency if there is no air traffic control tower or the tower is not in operation, and procedures for reporting unsafe airport conditions. Procedures for obstruction removal, marking, or lighting, as required under, 24. eCFR :: 14 CFR 139.319 -- Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational Nomenclature changes to part 139 appear at 69 FR 24069, May 3, 2004. A description of any approved exemption to aircraft rescue and firefighting requirements, as authorized under, 18. (2) The requirements of the Airport Certification Manual, as specified under 139.203. Certificate holder means the holder of an Airport Operating Certificate issued under this part. (2) All other employees who fuel aircraft, accept fuel shipments, or otherwise handle fuel must receive at least initial on-the-job training and recurrent instruction every 24 consecutive calendar months in fire safety from the supervisor trained in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section. (b) This part applies to those portions of a joint-use or shared-use airport that are within the authority of a person serving passenger-carrying operations defined in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. 41104(b). (4) Is in a form that is easy to revise and organized in a manner helpful to the preparation, review, and approval processes, including a revision log. Equip personnel with sufficient resources needed to comply with the requirements of Title 14 CFR part 139. (b) Each certificate holder must establish and maintain standards authorized by the Administrator for protecting against fire and explosions in storing, dispensing, and otherwise handling fuel (other than articles and materials that are, or are intended to be, aircraft cargo) on the airport. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section; and. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Subchapter G. AIR CARRIERS AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS Part 139. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. ^ "Overview Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)" (PDF). Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material All Historical Document Collections OMB Details Initial Certification of Airports, Reporting Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Air Transportation (b) The applicant meets the provisions of 139.103. The authority of the Administrator to issue, deny, and revoke Airport Operating Certificates is delegated to the Associate Administrator for Airports, Director of Airport Safety and Standards, and Regional Airports Division Managers. Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space Chapter I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) Subchapter G - AIR CARRIERS AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS Part 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS Date January 1, 2011 Authority 49 U.S.C. (1) One vehicle carrying at least 500 pounds of sodium-based dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent and 1,500 gallons of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF for foam production. (c) Persons required to have an Airport Operating Certificate under this part shall submit their Airport Certification Manual to the FAA for approval, in accordance with the following schedule: (1) Class I airports - 6 months after June 9, 2004. 3. (a) Rescue and firefighting capability. The Index is determined by a combination of -, (1) The length of air carrier aircraft and. One vehicle carrying at least -, (1) 500 pounds of sodium-based dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent; or. Choosing an item from (4) Index D includes aircraft at least 159 feet but less than 200 feet in length. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the marking, signs, and lighting systems, as required under, 15. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for ARFF equipment and extinguishing agents that are acceptable to the Administrator. Each certificate holder must ensure the following: (1) All rescue and firefighting personnel are equipped in a manner authorized by the Administrator with protective clothing and equipment needed to perform their duties. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for snow and ice control equipment, materials, and removal that are acceptable to the Administrator. learn more about the process here. Please do not provide confidential will bring you to those results. In the event a PPR is received for an unscheduled air carrier arrival, airport operations or maintenance staff will be on-site. See the 'Cross Reference' blocks in the text of this content for more information. (3) The reductions may not be implemented unless notification to air carriers is provided in the Airport/Facility Directory or Notices to Airmen (NOTAM), as appropriate, and by direct notification of local air carriers. Title: Safety Enhancements to 14 CFR part 139, Certification of Airports. I (1-1-03 Edition) (c) Furnish the applicable portions of the approved airport certification spec-ifications to the airport personnel re-sponsible for their implementation; (d) Make the copy required by para-graph (b) of this section available for inspection by the Administrator upon request; and (5) A record is maintained of all training given to each individual under this section for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. 14 CFR Part 139 has not been revised since 1987, but industry practices and technology have changed. full text search results Each aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle that is required to carry dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent for compliance with the Index requirements of this section must meet one of the following minimum discharge rates for the equipment installed: (1) Dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent through a hand line - 5 pounds per second. (d) The plan required by this section must provide for -. (3) Special areas for storage of hazardous materials while on the airport. (7) Accident and incident. 139.217 14 CFR Ch. (2) Two vehicles carrying an amount of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF so the total quantity of water for foam production carried by all three vehicles is at least 4,000 gallons. Clean agent means an electrically nonconducting volatile or gaseous fire extinguishing agent that does not leave a residue upon evaporation and has been shown to provide extinguishing action equivalent to halon 1211 under test protocols of FAA Technical Report DOT/FAA/AR-95/87. (iv) Procedures for pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas and safety areas. If replacement equipment is not available immediately, the certificate holder must so notify the Regional Airports Division Manager and each air carrier using the airport in accordance with 139.339. Alamosa Unable to Qualify for Part 139 Certification, Current EAS (a) In accordance with its Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this section, each certificate holder must take immediate action to alleviate wildlife hazards whenever they are detected. In 2000, Congress mandated that FAA issue a rule relating to certification of airports serving scheduled passenger air carrier operations conducted in aircraft with 10 to 30 seats (except in the State of Alaska ). Rosecrans Memorial Airport City of St. Joseph, Missouri Part 139 - Certification of Airports; Part 141 - Flight Schools; Part 142 - Training Centers; Part 145 - Repair Stations; . (e) The plan required by this section must contain procedures for notifying the facilities, agencies, and personnel who have responsibilities under the plan of the location of an aircraft accident, the number of persons involved in that accident, or any other information necessary to carry out their responsibilities, as soon as that information becomes available. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the lighting of obstructions that are acceptable to the Administrator. Duties Performs multiple, varying and complex assignments under the minimal direction of a manager. (b) In complying with paragraph (a) of this section, use the NOTAM system, as appropriate, and other systems and procedures authorized by the Administrator. Unscheduled operation means any common carriage passenger-carrying operation for compensation or hire, using aircraft designed for at least 31 passenger seats, conducted by an air carrier for which the departure time, departure location, and arrival location are specifically negotiated with the customer or the customer's representative. Each certificate holder must provide and maintain lighting systems for air carrier operations when the airport is open at night, during conditions below visual flight rules (VFR) minimums, or in Alaska, during periods in which a prominent unlighted object cannot be seen from a distance of 3 statute miles or the sun is more than six degrees below the horizon. (b) The snow and ice control plan required by this section must include, at a minimum, instructions and procedures for -. (1) Such an arrangement is authorized by the Administrator; (2) A description of responsibilities and duties that will be assumed by an independent organization or designee is specified in the Airport Certification Manual; and. An applicant for an Airport Operating Certificate is entitled to a certificate if -. (d) Each certificate holder must inspect the physical facilities of each airport tenant fueling agent at least once every 3 consecutive months for compliance with paragraph (b) of this section and maintain a record of that inspection for at least 12 consecutive calendar months. (f) Foam discharge capacity. (5) Prompt notification, in accordance with 139.339, of all air carriers using the airport when any portion of the movement area normally available to them is less than satisfactorily cleared for safe operation by their aircraft. ( b) Increase in Index. (4) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, mud, dirt, sand, loose aggregate, debris, foreign objects, rubber deposits, and other contaminants must be removed promptly and as completely as practicable. (3) Type of rescue and firefighting equipment to be provided. The certification process and requirements go into much greater detail and can be found on the FAA's website. A Class IV airport cannot serve scheduled large or small air carrier aircraft. Other extinguishing agent substitutions authorized by the Administrator may be made in amounts that provide equivalent firefighting capability. This position serves as a Lead Airport Certification and Safety Inspector (ACSI) responsible for 14 CFR Part 139 compliance for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Airports (ARP). As used in this part, wildlife includes feral animals and domestic animals out of the control of their owners. Each certificate holder who deviates from a requirement under this section must, within 14 days after the emergency, notify the Regional Airports Division Manager of the nature, extent, and duration of the deviation. 139.323 Traffic and wind direction indicators. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for compliance with this part that are acceptable to the Administrator. (4) Snow piled or drifted on or near movement areas contrary to 139.313. A description of the system for maintaining records, as required under, 9. The plan must -. A description of personnel training, as required under, 10. Each certificate holder must properly maintain each marking, sign, or lighting system installed and operated on the airport. (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the conduct of airport self-inspections that are acceptable to the Administrator. (5) Any additional subject areas required under 139.319, 139.321, 139.327, 139.329, 139.337, and 139.339, as appropriate. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow Aircraft policies and procedures for hazardous (ii) Within 4 minutes from the time of alarm, all other required vehicles must reach the point specified in paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section from their assigned posts and begin application of an extinguishing agent. (3) All rescue and firefighting personnel must participate in at least one live-fire drill prior to initial performance of rescue and firefighting duties and every 12 consecutive calendar months thereafter. 41104(b). Our Airline and Airport Management courses are exciting and highly focused, designed to give you the skills and experience you need to work in management pos. (3) Taxiway edge markings, as appropriate. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must be equipped with two-way voice radio communications that provide for contact with at least -. These standards must cover facilities, procedures, and personnel training and must address at least the following: (4) Fire safety in fuel farm and storage areas. 49 CFR 172.101 PDF Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 139 - govinfo.gov Ensures the training covers all FAA A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the traffic and wind direction indicators, as required under, 21. (3) Furnish the applicable portions of the approved Airport Certification Manual to airport personnel responsible for its implementation. (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may operate an airport specified under 139.1 of this part without an Airport Operating Certificate or in violation of that certificate, the applicable provisions, or the approved Airport Certification Manual. Each certificate holder must ensure that all lighting on the airport, including that for aprons, vehicle parking areas, roadways, fuel storage areas, and buildings, is adequately adjusted or shielded to prevent interference with air traffic control and aircraft operations. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the installation, lighting, and maintenance of traffic and wind indicators that are acceptable to the Administrator. You are using an unsupported browser. (i) Be submitted in writing at least 120 days before the proposed effective date of the exemption; (ii) Set forth the text of 139.317 or 139.319 from which the exemption is sought; (iii) Explain the interest of the certificate holder in the action requested, including the nature and extent of relief sought; and. developer resources. (b) The commission by any owner, operator, or other person acting on behalf of a certificate holder of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking any certificate or approval issued under this part and held by that certificate holder and any other certificate issued under this title and held by the person committing the act. (7) A training program conducted by a qualified wildlife damage management biologist to provide airport personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully carry out the wildlife hazard management plan required by paragraph (d) of this section. (b) Submit with the application, two copies of an Airport Certification Manual prepared in accordance with subpart C of this part. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. will bring you directly to the content. 139.341 Identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas. The plan must -. (2) Each vehicle with a minimum-rated vehicle water tank capacity of at least 2,000 gallons must have a turret discharge rate of at least 600 gallons per minute, but not more than 1,200 gallons per minute. (c) At any time within 30 days after receiving a notice of refusal to approve the application for amendment, the certificate holder may petition the Associate Administrator for Airports to reconsider the refusal to amend. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) eCFR The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Displaying title 14, up to date as of 2/23/2023. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. (8) Airport condition. To the extent practicable, the plan must provide for rescue vehicles with a combined capacity for handling the maximum number of persons that can be carried on board the largest air carrier aircraft in the Index group required under 139.315. 139.1 Applicability. Government-owned airport that is co-located with an airport specified under 139.1(a) and at which portions of the movement areas and safety areas are shared by both parties. (e) Lighting interference. (2) On the Regional Airports Division Manager's own . The FAA uses this authority to issue requirements for the certification and operation of certain airports that service commercial air carriers. Such training at Class III airports must be completed within 12 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under (a) Provide sufficient and qualified personnel to comply with the requirements of its Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. (3) Index C includes aircraft at least 126 feet but less than 159 feet in length. (2) Means for alerting firefighting and emergency medical response personnel. Displaying title 14, up to date as of 3/02/2023. 14 CFR 139 Certification Of Airports - Code of Federal Regulations Procedures for controlling pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas and safety areas, as required under, 23. These requirements are contained in Title 14, Code of Federal Regulation Part 139 (14 CFR part 139), Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers, as amended. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. 139.203 Contents of Airport Certification Manual. Twelve consecutive calendar months for self-inspection records, as required under 139.327. Title 14 was last amended 2/10/2023. (1) Keep its Airport Certification Manual current at all times; (2) Maintain at least one complete and current copy of its approved Airport Certification Manual on the airport, which will be available for inspection by the Administrator; and. In reaching this determination, the Administrator will consider -. This individual must be trained prior to initial performance of emergency medical services. After considering all relevant material presented, the Regional Airports Division Manager notifies the certificate holder within 30 days of any amendment adopted or rescinds the notice. (6) Movement areas and safety areas training. (k) Emergency access roads. (3) Identification and location of features on and near the airport that attract wildlife. (i) Each construction area and unserviceable area that is on or adjacent to any movement area or any other area of the airport on which air carrier aircraft may be operated; (ii) Each item of construction equipment and each construction roadway, which may affect the safe movement of aircraft on the airport; and, (iii) Any area adjacent to a NAVAID that, if traversed, could cause derogation of the signal or the failure of the NAVAID; and. Each aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle used to comply with Index B, C, D, or E requirements with a capacity of at least 500 gallons of water for foam production must be equipped with a turret. eCFR :: 14 CFR 139.203 -- Contents of Airport Certification Manual PDF 3311 Rules and Regulations Federal Register - GovInfo The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Title 14 was last amended 3/02/2023. (i) AFFF quantity requirements. Movement area means the runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport that are used for taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and aircraft parking areas. PDF Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 139 - govinfo.gov 139.319 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. (3) Immediately after an accident or incident. Procedures for avoidance of interruption or failure during construction work of utilities serving facilities or NAVAIDS that support air carrier operations, 8. There are Federal Register documents that will modify this content. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 14 :: Chapter I :: Subchapter G :: Part 139. under 14 CFR part 121 or public charter operations under 14 CFR part 380. (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must include in the Airport Certification Manual a description of operating procedures, facilities and equipment, responsibility assignments, and any other information needed by personnel concerned with operating the airport in order to comply with applicable provisions of subpart D of this part and paragraph (b) of this section.
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