Made the glass. So he on Valentine's Day, February 14th, nineteen eighty four serendipitous date here he sits down in a barber chair, Diane Arnold and has his hair cut by stuffing. That's that's why Stubbled can get arrested or anything. Well, it's the wheels are moving pretty slow. So you could see that his throat was I mean, it wasn't like anything you couldn't CPR wasn't going to be a help at all. He kept on he kept on and said that this would be my way of getting even with Dan, which she said at first she resisted, but then she gave in. Tell us all you want. That is fucking while I haven't seen her just yet, she looks like the most conservative librarian on earth. They said after a while, though, the practice was perceived as, quote, more sexual than anything else, like they were huddling up together in the hallways and feeling each other. Start by now, February nineteen eighty seven. They have no leads. We ever went out on a beach and went on stilts, apparently. So this is a quote from Michelle Honeycut as they're driving up to the church. Yeah, I'm very horrified by this old shit. So they're in it. My name is James Petraglia. Oh, my God. If you're listening for the first time, you go. Yes. He's from here so. Yeah. She denied. You do. Wow. So he asked Gerald Junior Star. They figured that was the limit David. Or they stopped investigating because he had an alibi based on Gerald Junior's fucking Tandare. He lost his pup this week and that's brutal. That's what I would be if I was a rock star. Right. There are none of us there. OK, so he's like NBA at the end of college going into the NBA. They're trying to get him out of his legal difficulties in the church. Awful. It's night. My God. I miss Toby already man. And this is a five week trial. So. Sylvia, you got a walker? That sounds terrible. So it's I think you're getting a lot of that know almost like a college student spent on that. ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. A man was killed in a double shooting on Sunday morning in Rocky Mount. And he's he was in and then, oh, is he OK? She she's so nice. You know what? He called begging for help and they said, fine, you know, we'll put you in a hospital. Yeah, everybody needs their cut. It's ruining trouble for a marriage. This is on that quick. Why is he going to get off and not her? They'd probably love him. We're not like this. Yes. She says error a court error by submitting a possible verdict of murder in the second degree, which is what she got convicted of. That was really hard to pick a jury for some reason because there's not a lot of people to say they really went through a lot. Perfect. Why set her bail at four hundred thousand dollars. Where did I go? She did not tell investigators she'd been raped because she continued to feel threatened by stuff, is what she said. Bandler non drowsy, chesty coughs helps clear your chest and provide deep penetrating relief. The trial judge stated he was submitting the second degree murder charge to the jury to be fair to the defendant, since Autofill had an opportunity to plead guilty to that offense. You know, I'll just eat and stare at them. But more importantly than that, you're going to get bonus content. Three shot, one killed at Dogwood | Sampson Independent Oppression and incarceration could have an effect on her competence to stand trial later and on her ability to assist in her own defense if she were freed on bond, however, she would not put herself in danger or represent a danger to others. And the judge was like, this is ridiculous. They used to say that about Elvis, but that's. Yeah. Doesn't everybody join Jeni's? How to pronounce Matty, Jeker, Samantha Robynn and all of our patrons. And then stuff all stabbed Dan in the chest and then Taat finished him off by cutting his throat. She said no and he started crying and like it was basically hysterical about the whole thing. There was a smell in the city from the hog farms that was almost unbearable. It's not like now I'm not one another kid. It's like, yeah, here are the rapper Bobbie. I love Dan. The shooting happened at the Burger King at 100 Southeast Boulevard. More than you can count. So to gain tart's release, like, hey, I know who killed that guy. And she said she mentioned nothing about herself. Really that's really getting picky. Is that did he get that looks like stuff right there, the beer you get out. And himself is my favorite part. And I need to know everything. He says, look, that's the Christian thing to do this person. Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman, Donate at: or go to & use our email:, Go to for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!, Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! Don't come here. The someone's the king of this. I get lawsuits this year. Year over year crime in Clinton has increased by 98%. They've been friends since they were teenagers. So I want to kick this shit right. But we charge everybody who I use snuffle as the testify guy and then charge everybody, OK, what they end up doing. Oh, yes. He has been beaten and beaten about the head and his throat is cut and he has been stabbed repeatedly. There's a lot of straight guys that can't handle that. And that's not going to help. I mean, it's just that thing, strangest scene ever that belongs in this thing. James, when I started smoking, like actually buying them from a store. But if you want to learn to play piano at any age, it's fine. He said that because at first he wasn't really implicating her. He's having a great life, one nighters in hotels with the guy and having a great time that he is loving life. But don't worry, he has a job through which he got an apprenticeship in prison. Yeah. Matt Zougam Who Guim, Jordan Bell and Hannah Gibson. Now start, by the way. That's what are the pastor, the minister who's who is ahead of them? I remember like in the late 90s, like cigarettes were like a dollar. Jesus Christ, it's not my fault. It's amazing. Yeah, sir. This is a comedy show and I do the disclaimer. Yep. She wears Don and wears, like dresses down to her ankles, you know what I mean? Tell the cops to make a complete stop before putting the car in park like they would with their own car at home. It looks amazing. Yeah. Well I Angeli Lengel OK Van Lingle Mungo who was actually a really good he was a fastball pitcher in the end. The farmland draws people in. That's a business that maybe you want to be in. We pick and choose some some segments, a lot of fun and jam it into there. Beautiful. So it is cost of living. So that evening Scuffle says that he and Gerald Junius tart's lay in wait in the woods near the church until then popped up. And I can't say it out of my goddamn mouth. You would be ruined. Oh, so, yeah, also, he is hung like a horse. Come here. The father also said she always respected that. Right? Reach for battle in day and night. And you're going to get lots of bonus episodes, though, over everywhere are all over there at on dotcom slash crime and sports bonus episodes last week, Crime and Sports Bonus. I mean, I don't know. While you're undoing your seatbelt, come to a complete stop that you took a second. Fuck it. I'm going to I'm going to run this thing, you know, dominate this business because I'm going to get myself in there. Do all that, listen to our other shows and everything. That's what I mean. That small town pot on Facebook, very small town murder on Instagram. And you still have one thing, but it's he also you know, he has to have dudes. Obviously, this is wrong here. So she's paroled April 30th. That's you that's on you. I think I'll get rubbery. Can I just go. Yep. They say a couple of them say that Donna was not the typical grieving widow after the death, pointing out that she even played the organ at his funeral and also for a wedding three days after the murder. Yeah, she. The largest employers are in the agricultural field, hospital and school system. So it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Who interviews the priest now? Yeah. Oh, look at her ankle length angle. It's my bucket list and now it's gone. Eighty four. And he asked his friend, Gerald Junius Taat on July 4th. They're part of it, I have told Donna that in the event I cannot find someone to help me have Khaldun in for what he has done to us, I have it in me to kill him myself. Yeah. I get up, everybody sell your house is removing the fucking towns shut down Main Street. Wow. Now, back then in eighty five, you could buy half the town back then. I don't know what was going on. And it looks like a bunker almost would withstand I feel like a blast, but it's updated on the inside. So, yeah, he says that and he said that the canceled check was from one of these encounters which was with Stoffel and it was a one night stand they had at after he met stuff. First, they're clutched in his hand. Maybe you're my doctor. If you were in. Yeah. Is there just I don't know what it is, but I guess because there's not a lot of stuff in a small town. Both voice Thank you, Katherine Jude Kendall, Kimberly Kukui, Peyton Meadows, Liz Vasquez, Maria CEPS, Loosley, Cody Baker, Madeleine Isaacs and Max Ringsted. Brian Hood. It's different. Oh, yeah. You know, the judge at this point said, quote, Even if this is one of the jurors, the North Carolina Supreme Court justice said even if the evidence was overwhelming that Mrs. Arnold procured or counseled codefendant Carl Stoffel to commit the crime, it's not readily apparent that that said caused stuff to commit the murder. See Balin Doriot. I got a solid Sylvia I got to look at now. Yeah. She needs are there, you know, playing bad piano. You can't live here anymore. Oh two big white pillars. I'm going for murder anyway. That's how it's going to be here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like four people. Oh boy. It's allegedly in our opinion, I don't believe for fuck. Doughton Bowdon. The Barbecue Hook Cookoff, obviously, if you're down here in North Carolina, it says hogs will be delivered the night before and teams will spend the night preparing and cooking for the day's competition. 6 injured, including 2 children, in Clinton shooting hours after fatal It might not be exactly what you think it is. It'll also be available for seventy two hours after the event. Or George Thorogood lyrics. But then Dan said that he would rather move than end his relationship with stuff. Quote, Dana was the first to see something lying on the ground. They told him never to return and that was that. Here's a picture of her being carted out on a stretcher. That's what I need you to soak it on is what we need. Yep. He sat on the edge of the pool and Taat said that stuff introduced him to Donna Tartt said that Donna was standing in the in the water talking to him while this was obviously when Dan was still alive, while her husband was playing with their daughters about twenty feet away, Taat said, quote, She said that she and Carl had been talking and asked me if I could help them with their problem. A guy named Van Lingle. Imex. ABC7 Eyewitness News CORONA, Calif. -- An armed carjacking suspect is leading police on a chase that took a twisted turn when he attempted to shoot at officers. You can't request that he does that. Dan hasn't come back yet. But this one you go that sounds like the most likely story. Week one, where can you go? It's, it's a long term game basically. So pretty diverse. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. OK, so she said, well, I don't have to have it tonight. Shit. He wasn't from here but he moved here. First, confront my wife. Just like a poof. Melissa Perrin McCord Brickell Key Sardy, Christy Rainer, Katy Clark, Lila Cummings, Skylar Adam Mansky, Adam Adam Saeki, Adamski Adamski. Oh, no, we need to do this. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Nothing. So they're plotting to kill him, by the way, Dan, as a plot to oh, oh, Dan as a plot to by July 17th, Dan is also plotting to kill Stoffel. Maybe we can do it after you get out of the hospital. Is that going to be you murdering my payer transmission? So thank you. Everybody, it's time to rock. He said that he. You're right. Thank you guys so much for everything you do. So to testify, he said that he would testify. Don't worry about it. Fuck are you doing to pay for that transmission? Now he's a barber and when they meet him his name is Carl Edwards. Unbelievable. Just wandering through. Sleep tight, James. It's a great question. So one star here, one star. Was that another curveball? WebNews of Rufus King, the Clinton, NC, farmer who murdered his six children, made newspapers across the country in October 1956. I want to show him he was fucking great. Jeff Kyun. So Dan, though, was persistent on this? So this Michelle is seeing some stuff. By the way, Wednesday. But yeah, listen to crime and sports. How dare you call that a restaurant? And while at church there, by the way, that day, the weird church conversation members friend Danny Statten. He tells Dan about his problems. Stuff like a retard is just a he's just a witness at this point. That is the most disgusting thing. So Honeycut was like, OK, that's a weird thing listening to that. It was bad. We have a wild slate before you do graphic. But housing is a fifty to the median home cost one hundred twenty one thousand four hundred dollars. Beautiful. His story adds up. Check that out. I'd like it. shooting I don't even know how to bridge this, but he sits her down and he says, OK, this is what I'd like for me. Maybe that's what it is about. WebThis week in Clinton, North Carolina, we look at a story book, small couple all mixed up in a situation that spins out of control and results in a brutal killing and an absolutely insane Murder Those letters we discussed before, Gerald Junior's heart is on the stand. She is fantastic. This is a small town murder. No. That's what he told me. He does that won't say shit, except for that. Did he hit his head? But the pastor of Pop or the the pope of Rock, I'm going to be the pope of Rock. Wow. Well this and that. That way you can all confused. It gets worse, though. Sorry, Donna. Yeah. No ass. He told me the things that Jesus will do to us and it's the scariest of anybody else is he knows everything up to and including the threat. So finally, February nineteen eighty seven, back to Gerald Junior's tart's, the the kingpin of While the Lynch. Right. It's bleak. So the staff asked them to stop touching them. He's ready to rock and roll. I don't like watching people die. Candice Fitzpatrick. This team had a particular guy on it who is kind of known for being a nutcase.
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