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Certified Adwords Specialist

Web Development Services

Everything You Need

Web Design
At Marketbullseye.com we understand that it can be overwhelming trying to get your business online.  Many companies charge over $800 for a web site.

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Social Media Apps
Unlock the power of Facebook with easy to use apps designed to excite and motivate your fans. Build your fan base today!

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Email Marketing
Whether you're new to email marketing or are a seasoned pro, we have email creation options to suit your style. Our tools take the work out of email creation and guide you through, step-by-step.

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Take The Next Step In Local Advertising
You Only Pay For Interested Visitors

Marketbullseye.com is a Qualified Adwords Specialist Online advertising is a beneficial advertising outlet for small businesses. Online advertising and PPC marketing engages online searches during the process when decisions are being made.

With a certified Google AdWords specialist, your business can take advantage of the insights, data, user feedback, only online advertising can offer. We custom tailor you advertising campaign to target specific users who are ready to purchase, gather information, or looking for services.

Take a look at why online advertising is so successful. (image from google flash drive)

What’s In It For You?

If you’re thinking about using search advertising, you might be wondering why you should choose Google AdWords.

• It’s effective: Google is the most popular search engine in the world with over a billion searches every day. More people using Google means more of your target audience will see your ads.

• Target locally: AdWords lets you be incredibly specific when it comes to targeting your ads. You can select from countries, territories, regions and cities when placing your ad. You can choose a point on the map and specify a radius around it where your ads will appear, and even exclude certain areas within your selected locations. Growing, local businesses can make sure they’re reaching their regional audience.

• It’s flexible: You can change, pause, or end your campaign at any time.

• There’s no risk: You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and is directed to your business—no strings attached!

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