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Social Media Apps & Management

Web Development Services

Everything You Need

Web Design
At Marketbullseye.com we understand that it can be overwhelming trying to get your business online.  Many companies charge over $800 for a web site.

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Social Media Apps
Unlock the power of Facebook with easy to use apps designed to excite and motivate your fans. Build your fan base today!

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Email Marketing
Whether you're new to email marketing or are a seasoned pro, we have email creation options to suit your style. Our tools take the work out of email creation and guide you through, step-by-step.

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Unlock the power of Facebook with easy to use
apps designed to excite and motivate your fans. 

Build your fan base today!

Socail Media Apps

Social Media Apps - 19-in-all for one unbelievable price!
Each app includes a simple do-it-yourself content management system that enables you to easily upload your images, links, and text so you can create a page without writing a single line of code.

Simple Social Promotion
North Social apps enable virtually every business to activate a powerful social media marketing plan. With apps that power coupons, promotions, and special fan only offers we give you the tools to make the most of your marketing efforts.

 Photo Showcase
Huge images help promote your business. Optional "Buy Now" buttons can convert this app into your social store.

 Sign Up
Create contact forms, online surveys, and invitations to capture valuable information directly from your Fan page.

 Deal Share
Create and launch a viral deal on your Facebook Page where you can set the number of registrations required to unlock a group discount.

 Map It
Give them a map, and make it easy for your Fans and Friends to find you, your brand, or a special event offline.

Social Media AppsStart your FREE Trial and Interact with your Fans Today!